What he does to make you happy

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Slenderman – him being well, Slenderman gets you the most extravagant and expensive gifts. However after one bad scenario including him being slapped he stopped buying them regularly and instead gets you small gifts from time to time.

Jeff the Killer- he goes from house to house killing people and stealing from them. Occasionally they're nice gifts like bracelets and necklaces but there was this one time where he got you two super soakers, a brand new tv and by brand new I mean brand new, and what surprised you the most was the 12 thousand dollar hot tub. You wondered why there weren't any cops coming to question but it turns out Jeff killed them as well.

Ben Drowned- Ben gave you so many video games, even the ones that haven't come out yet. He helps you beat them and when the games do come out you beat them every time making you a famous video game twitch streamer. Yeah that's right. You made so much money that you had to move to a different house because of the fans. You weren't complaining, you got a brand new set-up and gaming room because of it.

EJ- he insists to do all your chores and do work for you. At first it was cute but then it wasn't. He would do so many things for you he'd forgotten that he had other stuff to do as well. It wasn't until his boss, the Slenderman, came to your house to remind EJ of his tasks, did he remember as well. So the two of you came up with a compromise and never the less, it was a good life.

LJ- Sweets and treats and toys is what he gave. It seems that this clowned can't be tamed. Whether it's going out or staying inside, the clown always has a surprise! On one night it was dinner for two, or singing you a sweet love tune. Life with LJ is pretty sweet, especially with all the yummy treats.

Bloody Painter- he kept painting you. Whether it was a sketch or a beautiful painting of you all he wanted to do was paint you. Well not all of it he still loved painting other stuff but you were the one he truly loved. You're touched by the gesture and return it with paintings of him as well.

Homocidal Liu- he helps you with (L/B/N) and lots of other stuff to. Even if you don't ask him it seems like he always knew what you needed. Whether it was time to yourself or if you were hungry he always seemed to know. One evening while he was over for dinner Liu gave you a pair of silver earrings that was blue diamonds in them. You were touched by the gestured and gave him a kiss.

Puppeteer- he makes you the cutest little dolls and even helps you make your own. Jason's toy shop is filled with dolls which helped him with his business. Honestly nothing couldn't make you happier than being with him and making dolls with Pup.

Ticci Toby- he takes you exploring in the forest. Making you laugh and giggle is his favorite thing to do and every time you smile it makes his heart flutter so he keeps doing it until you snort and giggle like a little piggy.

Hoodie- Bakes with you and for you. He also gets you stuff and most importantly if ever you are having a bad he's always there for you. He share stories with you and makes sure that you are always smiling. People who know you two call you the stars because you two shine brightly ever time you are together.

Masky- does everything in his position to help you and make sure you are happy. People in the Slender Residence has noticed that ever since he confessed and gotten together with you he isn't as uptight as he used to be and is a little bit cheerful. Then again no one was complaining.

The Pianist- writes you love songs and plays them for you. He always compliments you and tries to make sure he isn't going over boundaries. He cares for you when you're sick or sad and makes sure that you know he loves you.

Tenderman- as his name suggest, he cares for you and you've never felt pampered more than you've ever felt in your life. When he cooks for you they're mouth watering meals, deserts included. Not to mention he insist he massages you every night. You back felt amazing after each and every massage.

Story Changer- because they're mythical being, anything that you wish for immediately comes to you. Want food? It's cooked and ready to eat. Clothes? Appears in your closet. Really anything you need it comes to you. You try not to abuse it but Story Changer insist that you use it as often as you want because, in his own words, 'you deserve it all'

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