Confessing part 2

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Laughing Jack

He surprised you by making you laugh the whole day and he also kept giving you gifts. You were overwhelmed by everything yet it made you smile. You just had to refuse once he brought out a big bear.

"LJ where am I suppose to put it?" You laughed out loud, not noticing the sign it was holding.

LJ grinned and waited for you to notice the sign and once you did you gasped and blushed a dark red. The words spelled a little poem and had cute designs all over it.

Roses are beautiful

I'm a little careful,

But I love you to the end

Will you be my girlfriend?

There was nothing but the silence. LJ was worried you'd say no but you tackled him. However you didn't kiss because.... You didn't know how to kiss without getting your eye hurt. He just kissed your forehead and you two cuddled until night.

Bloody Painter

He confessed during class. No seriously, it was freestyle time and before the class ended he asked to show his work. You raised an eyebrow; he wasn't exactly the type to show his work. He brought a large canvas that was covered with a cloth. With a dramatic gesture he yanked it off and everyone gasped and your hands went to your mouth. Seriously he had to be dramatic, out of character huh? He painted you and him and he was giving your heart. Yeah gory but romantic in a point of view. Everyone was looking back from you and him. He was blushing and rubbing the back of his neck while smiling stupidly. Then the guy who made fun of his name yelled out.

"Well give him an answer!"

The whole class began agreeing and soon all eyes were on you. You blushed and then cleared your throat.

"I'm not good with words but..." you said while reaching for something in your bag.

You got out your sketch book and flipped it open to a page of him and you. The whole class cheered and he smiled. You were going to kiss but the teacher cleared her throat.

"Save it for after school."

The two of you nodded and for once you couldn't wait for class to end.

Homicidal Liu

Your brother had just gotten out of the hospital and Liu offered to take you both out for lunch. It was a calm and quiet day and your brother missed real food so you guys went to a nice restaurant. You guys had a nice time and since your brother saw Liu every time you visited he thought of him as a brother. Liu loves it since, well. Anyways after lunch your brother got tired so you went home. Liu said he had to go but he also wanted to meet up with you later. He told you to meet at the park at six.

"What's the occasion?"

"You'll see Y/N."

He jogged out of sight which left you clueless, your brother tugged on your shirt and you looked at him.

"Y/N I want to go home..."

You nodded then pushed him home. When six p.m. came you left wearing a scarf, your favorite faded out green jacket, and some boots. It was cold at night so your mother made sure your were prepared. You met up with Liu and stopped in your tracks once you saw what he was holding. He had a bouquet of (f/f) and a box of chocolates in the other. He also carried another box but it was slightly larger.

"What's this all about?" You asked him while eyeing the stuff in his hand.

"Well... let's just say I had a crush on you."

You blinked in shock, he gave you the box and you opened it, gasping at the contents. It was a beautiful scarf which matched your eyes and it was hand knitted.

'Took me a while but it was worth it, for you." He said with a smile.

Your eyes watered and you cried a little. He dropped the remaining items in shock but you looked up and smiled at him.

"I love you!"

The worried expression turned into a happy one as he grabbed you and kissed you passionately. And the ants found their way into your chocolates. Liu was devastated about it since it took him a long time to earn the money for it and you tried to reassure him that it wasn't a big deal but secretly you also wished it could have been saved. Those were the best chocolates you had ever seen.


Jason had to do it for him. He was to scared you would say no so Jason took matters into his own hands. Jason set up a lovely dinner in his own workshop since you two loved dolls a lot then he positioned dolls in a non creepy way. He told pup to get ready and texted you to dress formal and to come at seven p.m. Making sure that things would be messy he left you two to talk it out then you confessed at the same time as he did. Dinner went by smoothly so really, it was nice; you two finally got together and had a nice night. But you two got lost in each other's eyes you forgot to clean up. The nest day Jason was furious that you two didn't clean it up but when he saw the nice doll you guys made for him he let it slide. It was so well crafted he was touched by the gesture.

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