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I headed back to the vip booth to give the men there drinks. "Three whiskeys" I handed each of them there drinks. "Thanks sugar tits" the man with the scar said to me as I gave him his drink. Is he kidding me sugar tits? Before I could speak up the handsome man from earlier said "marko Siamo qui per affari, non per te, per parlare con qualche ragazza. Translation" marko we are here for business not for you to talk to some girl."

Some girl? I will have you know I am not just some girl I bet he didn't know I spoke Italian! I won't say anything thought I may like listening to what they are saying. So instead I just frowned "can I get you guys anything else?" I asked. "How about you give us a little dance?" The man said. Dance? What does this guy think I am just because he had money doesn't mean I am going to dance for him! "No thanks" I had to be polite if I wanted this job, but in my head I wanted to cut his tiny dick into pieces and feed it to him.

I had a messed up mind from past experiences. Which we won't get into right now.

"Come on I know you want to" he grabbed my wrist really hard. I am so close to tying him up and slicing him in half. "She said NO!" The handsome guy was now stood up pointing his gun at him. I really need to find out his name.

The guy had his hand up in surrender while his friend was looking a little scared. To be honest I wasn't even scared at all I should be, he is pointing a gun at his head. Why do I feel.... protected?

Uh I guess it's just daddy issues? Haha.

"Va bene, mi dispiace, la lasherò in pace" translation "alright I'm sorry I will leave her alone"

"Bene" translation "good"
Good? Why would he say good?

"Can I leave now please?" I asked them.
He looked over at me and grinned. He stood up and god he was tall he was like 6'3? I however was 5'1'
He looked down at me and smirked, shit his face is so perfect.

"Leave" he said to the men they got up and left the club. "Why aren't you scared?" He brushed my cheek with his fingers slowly. "You don't seem scary to me" I said honesty.

"What's your name? He asked me. "Aurora" I said looking up into his eyes. "Hmm" he hummed. "What's yours?" I asked he looked at me like I just killed a puppy. Could I not ask him his name? "Leonardo" he then reached down like he was about to kiss me, but he has to try harder than that.

I pressed my finger on his lip and looked at me in shock like he's never been turned down, he probably hasn't. "You need to try harder than that" I then walked away and left him speechless.

And that's how you make a man speechless, hehe I'm so evil.


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