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I was laying in bed tossing and turning I had trouble falling asleep at night I had pretty bad insomnia which is annoying since I love sleep but I guess I can't help it since I can't change the past.

While I was staring up at my bedroom wall, whilst laying on my back I was thinking to myself about my life,and how lucky I am now.

I used to be a broken girl well maybe I still am but I'm better than I was I used to be subjected to pain and suffering, I used to get beaten by my foster family's and I used to be so depressed and lost I thought that I should take my life and go somewhere happy and somewhere pain free with my mom.

But anybody thinking it won't get better anybody thinking of ending their life I would tell them something my mom used to tell me "your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep the faith, it will all be worth it in the end" my mom used to tell me that when I was scared of my father he used to beat her to the pulp and when I was crying trying to wake her up she would always return to me telling me kind words. She never gave up and that's what made me do the same, well that's until the cruel person who I used to call my father killed her I was only six years old when she was taken from me and yet their was no proof that he did it?

How couldn't anybody see that my mom and I suffered every day and night trying to keep him away how could they not see are pain?

I Barely remember what he looks like but I always see his dark evil eyes piercing at the back of my mind that's why I can't sleep at night scared he will come for me and take me away and make me suffer the way my mom did.

If I ever saw him again I would kill him with my bare hands to get my revenge for taking the one thing that I cared for the most my mom.

And with take I closed my eyes waiting for the sun to rise.

Leonardo's pov:

I couldn't sleep I never could yet I have everything a man would kill for I have girls begging for nights with me begging to have one night with me so they can brag to their 'friends' about how good I was.

I have money more than I know what to do with I can buy anything I want and more I have all the latest clothes sent to me and cars I have more cars than they sell.

But the one thing I want I can't have a family nobody actually wants me for me and even if they did I couldn't stay with them if I wanted they would constantly be in danger because of me and if anything happened to them I would follow.

Being in the mafia has its perks sure power, money....
But it has more disadvantages I can't live my life the same at I want to.

Sorry this chapter was short I just wanted to get something published for you guys and I know it was boring but it was more of a filler about their real lives ❤️
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