2. I am a Russell

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Amanda POV

As slow as weekdays are,Friday tends to go by in a flash but the nights are ridiculously long which is nice cause it gives me a lot of time to catch up with assignments and projects and rest even though I don't seem to be doing enough of that of recent.

Normally, I only work in week days after lectures but now that things seems to need going sideways I had to take an extra job online for the weekend.

Ever since my father was murdered for owing a huge amount of money to some mobster three months ago, me and mom have been working relentlessly to pay back the debt. We argued over it, she says she wanted me to focus on my studies but I know the debt is too much for her to bare alone, so we agreed for mel to do some did job that will not affect my studies.

Running late for my 12pm class, I hurried along the deposit corridor and entered the lecture room with my gaze straight ahead in search of my crazy best friend. She was amidst some of our mates talking so I just sat down quietly beside her.

Stacy Donovan has been my best friend for four years now. Since we met one my first day in the university,we were roommate.

Though our last year now, Stacy is staying with her cousin while I'm in my shitty apartment due to circumstances.

She offered I stay with her but I told her no just like I told her to other help she's offered because frankly speaking I am a Russell and when we say no then it's a no.

I'm just not use to asking for help or receiving one. Since things have been going sideways now,I want to be able to stand up back on my own with my head held high.

Being that this is the only class we share together, we try to secure seat for each other especially on a Friday since we will mostly probably not see each other until that lectures.

"Hello class" Professor Finnigan said as he enters the class and placed his bag on the chair at the front right corner of the class. As soon everyone heard his voice ,the class was settled.

"When did you get here" Stace said quietly while taking her books from her bag.

"Good morning to you too, just a few minutes before Finnigan. And my night was great ,thanks for asking." I replied sassily.

"Oh sorry" she said giggling

After what felt like a lifetime the class ended. Stace and I decided to go to our usual hangout spot at a dinner at the end of the town. She drove us in her car since I had to sell mine.

"Okay, spit it out" I said glancing at her from the passenger seat a bit before looking out the window. She was biting her since we left class, and she mostly do that when she's  nervous,about to say something that I'm most probably say no to.

"Wh...what? Okay...uhm ... There's this thing tomorrow evening that I want us to go to together...I know you'll say no but I just thought..you know...we can just have fun a bit, I promise it's not some crazy party or something...it's a bike race....." She rambled on.

"You're rambling" I pointed out

"What?!...oh ..yh...I know, my cousin invited us and I promise you'll love it,it's going to be fun". she replied glancing at me a bit as she stop at the red light ,facing the road to avoid my gaze again.

"Okay" I said

She right, I don't really go out most because I don't like parties and crowd but the bike is not something I wanna miss..I love the thrill it give even if I'm not riding and I could really use some resting time without getting cooped up in my apartment.

"Really?!..okay I'll come to your apartment around 1200 and then we can get ready and leave from there". She said ,her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas.

"Okay babe. We are here" .I said
She parked her car at the did of the road.
We made our way inside the diner.

"Hey girls, the usual?" Lola, our friend that works here greeted as we entered.

"Yes Lola" Stace answered her as we made our way to our table.

Yeah our table. Ever since me and Stacy found this place two years ago,we've become quite known that we even get our very own personal table. Selina, the owner of the diner had become like a second mother to us and since we usually use the table every time we come to the diner ,so she kind of kept the table for us.

 Selina, the owner of the diner had become like a second mother to us and since we usually use the table every time we come to the diner ,so she kind of kept the table for us

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Their booth^^

As soon as we settled down, I pulled my laptop to finish up my assignments since I won't be able to do them tomorrow, while Stace was editing some pictures she took for a project

She loves photography...she is majoring in something along that line.

"Here, you girls enjoy" Lola said as she came to drop out order on the table.

"Thanks L" I said to her as I reorganize the books and laptop into my back

"Thanks L" I said to her as I reorganize the books and laptop into my back

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The usual^^ (they kind of just switch it among themselves, depends on the mood)

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The usual^^ (they kind of just switch it among themselves, depends on the mood).

We are and talked of most things that happened during the week. Stace asked me how my mum was doing and I told her that thing are falling into place but by bit, that hopefully before graduation things will be alright.

Stacy knows all the issue about my family as I hers. She's from a rich household but she is humble about it..

Though there is something brewing in the cloud, I can feel it...

And honestly I can't wait...

Days interval from last update
An improvement



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