6.A Step Back

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“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” – Winston Churchill

Amanda POV

Lil ruby.....

I woke from my sleep when I heard the annoying sound of my alarm

Monday came fast, I didn't even notice the weekend go by.
I tore myself away from my bed to prepare for the day, I noticed I have a little time left before my morning lecture.....thank God I prepared my school stuff yesterday night before I went to bed

I all but ran into the bathroom to freshen up and the sort my outfit for the day in my closet.

Her outfit^^

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Her outfit^^

I took my bag that contained my books, my painting supplies and my laptop from my bedside table and left my room.

Since I'm already running late, I just took an apple from my kitchen counter and made my way out of the apartment.

By the time I reached the lecture room, the class is already full which means the lecture could enter anytime soon. I just took a seat in the nearest free seat.

Jesus, I need my caffeine soon

I thought as I feel an ache brewing in my head. As I arrange my stuff on the table the lecturer entered the room

"Hello class" he said as he made his way to the table in front of the lecture room

An hour, thirty minutes later

"Make sure you submit your project individually on my desk for briefing...good day" the professor said as he ended the class

As soon as I left the class, I branches at the nearest starbucks to get a coffee and made my way to studio.

I spent almost three hours in the studio before I went back to the faculty for my last class for the day.

The rest of the week goes by pretty smoothly, going from the University to the studio to work then back home

Stacy had come by several times to mak me go out again but I told her no

My landlord has increased the rent payment so I had to work double shifts to make up for it.

By Friday I was at work when I got a call from my mom's neighbor henry

Did i tell you I work at the school library, well I work at the school library and a bakery not so far from school

I was stamping some new books that was brought a day before when I felt the vibration from my phone on the table

Unknown number?

"Hello" I said as I picked up the phone in confusion

"Hello Amanda , this is henry , I stay next door to your mother" the person at the other end if the phone said, I should guess that is henry

Mom? God , I hope everything is okay

"Oh, hi henry, is everything alright is my mom okay" I asked him as I thought of the worst

"Yes dear things are good now, she had a collapse yesterday and she was taken to the hospital but everything is fine now, she is stable, that's why I thought I should call you." He replied from the other side of the phone

"Okay , that's good. Thanks for calling me. I'll get the first train back early tomorrow morning." I said as I rubbed my temple and pinch the bridge of my nose

"Oh alright, good day" he replied back and ended the call.

My stomach quench with the sudden news and I could feel tears forming in my eyes, I quickly sneaked to the restroom unnoticed.

I tried my best to keep the tears from falling but it just had to disobey me this time around.

Alright gurl, it's going to be alright, chin up pretend nothing is wrong and get outta here
I told myself

I packed my backpack and made my way to the front desk at the entrance of the library to tell my boss that there's an emergency and made my way out.


I made it to my hometown after six hours by train. It was quite exhausting and nerve wracking

I reach home an hour later...it's in a small town that's an hour from the city in Puerto Rico.

"Mama! Mama!!" I called out as I open the door
The living room was bare, so was the kitchen that's when I heard footsteps.  Who could that be, mama?

"Hola Amanda" a man came to my view, his hair was black but you can see the hint of grey already growing saying he's probably in his 60s.

"Who are you?" I asked coldly, surprised because I know my mum doesn't have any man friend, not to say the least him in our house.

"Oh I'm Henry I talked to you some hours ago" he said trying to explain himself before I probably get the wrong idea.


"Right hola Henry thanks for taking care of my mother. How is she? What did the doctor say is wrong with her?" I rush to question him

"Nothing serious really. It's just old age catching up with her literally, her bones are becoming weary and she's been stressing herself with the barn and all so it took a toll on her body" he explained briefly

I made my way to my mother's room, it not really far from the kitchen just the last room across the hallway. on the way Henry explained every other thing the doctor said and the diagnosis given.

As I entered her room I couldn't help the hitch in my breath. She look so pale and fragile...

I thanks Henry later that day when he was leaving.

The next week I stayed at home to look after my mom. As at the third day she was ready to move about again. I then explain to her that somethings are going to have to change, like hiring an helper which she vehemently disagreed to. Henry later settled the fight telling me that he can take care of her and the barn from time to time since it's no problem with him staying nextdoor.

I observe him from then on because I can't suddenly trust my mama with a stranger but he has given me all reasons to trust him

I think Mama's got a crush on him

Urgh! Gross!!

This is not easy as I thought 🤔
Best of luck to me

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