Petalsong (closed) - @WetFloorsWillRise

78 6 12

- clan: Riverclan

- rank: warrior apprentice

- gender: she-cat flux (xD)

- sexuality: petal lesbian

- likes: flowers, sunlight, fashion

- dislikes: shadows, thorns, water, the dirtplace tunnel, shipping, whispering (she assumes it's about her)

- appearance: small calico with green eyes

- personality: reticent, cowardly, quiet, paranoid"Petalpaw is terrified of the unknown

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- personality: reticent, cowardly, quiet, paranoid
"Petalpaw is terrified of the unknown. She is often seen burrowing her face in scattered fallen petals when she's placed in an awkward inquiring position (when she's not secretly beautifying herself with those petals). Her short body literally flinches every time she's caught of guard. However, she's not afraid to voice her opinion. One second (and typically) she's the back of a hunting patrol without uttering a word, another she's in front of every cat spitting profusely and making every cat bow to her. She especially abhors being shipped with toms, especially the warrior that couldn't make his crush on her more evident..." <what a contradicting cat>

1st place: Petalsong - WetFloorsWillRise

2nd place: Petalstorm - Redwave4

3rd place: Petalbloom- CustardAtraxi

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