Swepttorrent (closed)- @IceWings13

65 8 28

- clan: Thunderclan

- rank: warrior apprentice

- gender: she-cat

- sexuality: straight

- likes: bullying/taunting/teasing others, the torn expressions of others, making others either furious or upset, arguing, despair, ice

- dislikes: kindness, mercy in battles, hope, herbs, flower, honey, weakness, sharing, the love between families friendships & mates

- appearance: luscious tail and ears, swift flowy sunburnt yellow pelt, lustrous amber eyes, a naturally puffed out chest (by fur), sharp claws that prove her unwieldy fur otherwise, lavish whiskers, 

- appearance: luscious tail and ears, swift flowy sunburnt yellow pelt, lustrous amber eyes, a naturally puffed out chest (by fur), sharp claws that prove her unwieldy fur otherwise, lavish whiskers, 

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- personality: ruthless, heartless, reckless, A BIG BULLY who feeds off of the pain of others


-1st: Swepttorrent - IceWings13

-2nd: Swepthiss- -BLU3B3RRI3S

-3rd: Sweptbite- SunXParadise

-4th: Sweptbone- B_i_r_d_y

-5th: Sweptrage- LeopardtheRainwing

-6th: Sweptspirit- Indigo-Spraymist

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