Lonelypaw (OPEN)

21 2 9

a ginger-colored (fully one color, no stripes or markings) warrior apprentice that was given that name by their mother who was dismayed to find only one kit bundle in her nest after birth (instead of a whole litter) after having tried many times and struggled with nasty herbs for her infertility

the leaders protested her naming AT FIRST, but then gave up and started treating the apprentice as a joke (laughing behind her back) just like the rest of the clan (in the end, the mother has full power over the prefix-name of her kits and no cat can ultimately change anything)

the leader secretly looks down on the she-cat for her name choice because she once had a secret afar crush on her, having respected her for a long time (making the queen's actions personally take a blow her heart and mean more)

this apprentice is stuck without friends due to their name and the laughing stock they've become, some warriors realize that it is unfair in Lonelypaw's POV but don't believe anycat has crossed the line (therefore, never stepping in)

wHaT kiNd oF nAmE wOuLd tHis L. E. A. D. E. R. giVe dA aPpReNTiCe XP

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