Part 5

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Onew was baffled at the fact that Key didn't bother telling him that this mixer was not for straight people. Key was not picking up and Onew was panicking in the bathroom. The realisation hit him when the very handsome and ripped man next to him started to hit on him. He was confused but then Minho's words started to ring in his head.
"I didn't know that you swung this way too"
Onew was standing in front of the sink and cursing at himself that he should have known that the only mixer Key would go to would be a gay one. The door of the washroom opened and Minho emerged. "Hiding? Introvert things, I guess."
Onew turned around and struggled to find the right words as he tried to remove the misunderstanding, " I am not actually gay. This was a mistake."

"Ummm, I won't tell anyone at uni so you don't need to hide. I could practically feel you being uncomfortable cause of my presence.", Minho stated.

"I- Like I said, this was actually a mistake. Key told me to come to a mixer and I thought it would straight.", Onew replied.
Laughter escaped Minho's mouth as he heard the tragic fate of the guy standing in front of him.

"Stop laughing, dickhead"

"You kinda deserve this for assuming all mixers are heterosexual. Also, glad to know that Key is still a menace."

After Minho was done teasing Onew, he decided that he should help the poor dude out of this situation. He wasn't entirely sure why he wanted to help him. Maybe it was because Onew helped him cheat in exam or maybe it was something else that compelled him to do it.
Minho walked towards Onew and put his hands on both his shoulders.


"I am gonna help you escape this situation."

Onew was skeptical of Minho's plan because it was a little dramatic but he just played along. He could have just went there and politely asked them that he had to leave or that he was mistaken. However, when Minho wrapped his buff arms around Onew and told the other guys at table that they kinda hit it off already and want a date alone, all Onew could do was keep his head down in embarrassment.
When they exited the bar, Onew pushed his elbow into Minho.

"Owww. What was that for?? Your nerdy ass should be grateful I saved you from a weird and awkward situation.", Minho said as he rubbed the spot where he was hit.

"You made it worse!!!! You actually created a more awkward situation. Dude, what the fuck?", Onew uttered.

When both of them were back at the dorm, they ordered pizza and chicken wings.

"Man, this was good.", Onew said as he took the final bite of the food.


"By the way, can I ask you something?"


"I- I am kinda curious. I hope it is not too out of line but are you-.", Onew was cut off in the middle by Minho.

"Gay? Bisexual? Is that what you want to ask?? Gosh, you are so predictable."

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me.", Onew said as he rolled his eyes.

"Bruh? What are you rolling your eyes for?? You asked me an intrusive question and you are the one rolling YOUR eyes?? Dude, I should be the one doing that.", Minho said as he let out a hearty laugh.

"OKAY. I am sorry for asking."

" I am bi.", Minho replied.

"Oh. Um, How did- nevermind", Onew said as he mentally face palmed at the fact that he yet again was about to ask an intrusive question.

Minho started to laugh again and exclaimed, " I don't mind if you ask me these silly questions"

".....what in the passive aggressiveness."

Suddenly, there was a mischievous smirk on Minho's face and Onew knew something wild was coming because whenever he made that face, it meant bad news. This was the same face he made when pulled a prank on their historical linguistics professor. This was the same face he made when he realised he had frustrated the hell out of Key.
"What is going on in that thick skull of his?" ,Onew thought.

The gap between them decreased all of a sudden and Minho's face was suddenly a few inches away from his own.
"Just like this, I was sitting close to my friend and do you know what happened next?", Minho whispered. 

"What?", Onew asked as his breathing got heavier for reasons he could not comprehend.

Minho's left hand snaked up on Onew's sensitive neck and the other lay on his thigh as he leaned to whisper in his ear, " Do you want a demo?"

" i- I dunno"

Minho burst into laugher upon hearing those confused words leave Onew's mouth.
"You are supposed to say ' no'. Are you sure you are straight?"

" Stop making fun of me. I hate you.", Onew said to counter the embarrassment he felt. His face was beet red and his heartbeat was quick.

"You still didn't answer my question. Are you sure you are straight?"

"Who's asking intrusive questions now???? LIKE, maybe not but that's none of your business."

Minho did a double take, " Wait, what?? So, I got you out of the mixer for no reason? You could have explored. Aw man."

Onew waved his hand and said, " Not really. I did not want to explore and you should still mind your own business."

Minho shrugged and muttered, "Whatever, nerd.", as he made his way back to his bed.

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