Part 2

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Sunlight seeped through the little gaps between the curtains and illuminated the room. Onew yawned as he tried to get up from his bed. "I hate waking up. I fucking hate it.", Onew mumbled. He went inside the washroom and a loud shriek escaped his mouth after seeing a half naked boy in front of him.
Onew slipped on the slippery floor and just sat there for a few seconds.

"Minho, what the fuck? Why are you trying to scare me to death? What are you doing in my fucking room? How did you even get in?", Onew asked.

"Calm down. This is now my room too. The warden changed my room and don't you think, its about time you get a a roommate too?", Minho replied, and then turned his attention back to the mirror, casually.

Onew's heartbeat was still fast from the scare as he got up. "Can you get out? I have to pee", Onew requested.

"Sure.", Minho threw the towel towards Onew, which was the only thing covering Minho's body.

"Where do these guys get the confidence to roam naked ?", Onew thought.

"So fucking cold.", Minho whimpered as he stepped outside of the steamy bathroom.

Onew closed the door shut and tried to process everything. "Choi Minho is my roommate?"

Onew and Minho were on talking terms but never got the chance to become close. Both were the polar opposite of eachother, so it became awkward real quick when they conversed.

By the time, Onew got out of the bathroom, there was no trace of Minho.
Onew heaved a loud sigh and decided to get ready.
After observing the weather through the window, he decided to keep his umbrella with him to avoid the situation of the previous day.
"I am gonna get sick at this rate.", Onew thought.

He stepped out of the room, looking very ordinary and bland. He not only looked that way, he felt that way too.

Onew completed the quiz way earlier than he anticipated and was about to turn it in, but someone behind him kept shaking his chair. Onew turned around and saw Minho pleading. He rolled his eyes behind his glasses and then looked around to observe the Professor and then waited for the perfect moment. He gestured towards Minho to pass his sheet. His heart was hammering against his chest but he managed to solve the mcqs real quick. He then threw the sheet back hastily. Professor had started to fasten his pace towards them and Onew swore he was going to die.

"Minho, Is there any problem?"

"Sir, I dropped my sheet.", Minho replied.

Professor narrowed his eyes at him and then walked the opposite direction.
Onew waited a few minutes to hand over his quiz and sprinted out the class.

His face was flushed and he couldn't believe he helped Minho.
"I am out of my fucking mind!", Onew muttered under his breath.

Minho ran after him, "Wait for me! Oy, Onew!!"

"What is it?"

"Thanks for helping me.", Minho exclaimed.

"This was just a one time thing.", Onew replied, curtly.

"I never thought you would be capable of doing something like that and you were so calm.", Minho grinned.

"Shut up." Onew trotted away from Minho as fast as he could but Minho had already caught a glimpse of blush on his cheeks. Onew desperately wanted to hide it.

Minho backed off but was strangely amused.

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