Dear Whomever {edited}

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Dear whoever

Em hi so this morning or well i think it was this morning I arrived here i don't know where here is however I seem o be the only one.i have no memories so i thought it would be smart to keep track of what iv been doing well if i remember that is,

It's weird as i have no memory of who i am or how i even got here so i do apologize i can't people introduce myself to you yet be i promis as soon as i know I'll tell you.

If you are wondering its night now and I can hear screeching from the wall around me it almost sounds like metal I think the walls are possible mechanics but I need to go see them for myself to check that out. This place is big it's mainly an open field of grass with some trees and a woodland area here and there.

If you are wondering how I got here well I found myself in a moving box and once the box had stopped it took me a long time much longer than id like to admit to exit the said box \, the bx was filled with many different things like animals which are cult sleeping sead which i'm playing on plating tomorrow once i wake up med things tools and some other things like this book and pencil.

Em well I don't know what else to say good night i guess

Yours Truly

I don't remember my name


The girl sighed placing the book down and looking out around her shifting the thin blanket around her s she tried to keep warm the place she had found herself in wasn't overly cold in witch she was very thankful for, she yawned before shifting to liy down before diffting of into sleep.


The {h/c} hair girl culled into a ball as she opened her eyes looking around "Oh it wasn't a dream" she sighed quietly to herself as she sat u folding the blanket beside her along with the other things she had gotten. Opening her small bag she took out the seeds and started to walk around slightly "Here should be good "she smiled before getting to work.

Once down the female who was now covered in dirt and dust sighed as she stood up wincing at the sudden pain in her head.

It was almost like a memory although she didn't know who the person was as their face and voice were muffled the only work that she could get out was.

"Y/N," she said holding her head "That must be my name" she muttered looking at the wall in front of her she smiled getting an idea, picking up the screwdriver he had with her she walked up to the wall and began to carve her name into the wall after a fem moments Y/N was now engraved onto the wall. Sanding back she smiled at her work, turning y/n smiled slightly as she made her way back to where most of her things were.

"Who does this work," the {H/C}hair girl asked as she looked at the hammock in confusion,' does it go between the trees' she thought it was the only logical thing and so she spent the next 45 minutes of her life trying to put a simple hammock up.

"done"y/n said looking at the hammock now it was then she noticed how dark it had gotten pulling one out of one of the few bars of food she was given she sat down beside the tree and ate it while she took out the book and pencil.

Dear whomever

This is my second day and not much has happened as of today however I do think we should now be introduced hello my name is y/n I don't know how well it suits me but it's nice to know I have a name.

I started work on the garden today and even managed to get that hammock thing up as well.

There is not much else to be said if I'm honest I spent most of my day doing the garden.

See you at some point I guess


The {H/C}hair girl sighed as she closed her book pacing it back into her bag before she took out the thin blanket she had wrapping it around her before she lay down in her new bed.

Over the next few days y/n worked as hard as she could to get things done by the end of her second week she had made a somewhat ok shelter a garden and a small med bay as well wat she had also noticed was the box hadn't been back up yet not that she cared of course but her thing was running low.

"How do you work"

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