waking up

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I woke up in a dark room with two men armed outside my door I quickly remembered jumping off the wall and was surprised I wasn't dead but none less Mabey could mean this newt guy, I wasn't sure how long I had been awake for but a girl with brown shoulder-length hair walked in "its good to see you again y/n its been too long "she said as she took a set in front of me "I'm sorry do I know you "I asked "yes before you know what never mind your going for a small walk put these on "the girl handed some clsoes to me to put on they where a pair of black jeans a white stop and a jumper and an old looking pair of trainers.

once I was ready the girl and this other boy who was tall and had darck hair and drack eyes took me down to this weird mettel box thing "can i ask something "the boy just nodded "do any of you know who newt is "they box looked at me "why" the girl asked"well i had this dream about someone called newt and he called me his twin i was just wonderingif you knew anything about it"I'm sorry I don't know who your own about "they boy spock but something in his voice told me other wise we past a room with lots of people in tubs and water I decided not to ask becous i wasn't sure on what these people could do to me.the next thing I felt was some thing being stab in my back the drackness.

once I woke up I was in a mettel box the box had other things into and seamed to be moving up there were some anmils and medical things from what I could see and hear as well,I wasn't sure on how long it had been but the box had come to a stop and I could hear people coming towards me I could make out how many but there were a lot.  the top of the box opened and I was hit with a bright ray of light I could also here people.Aboy with a shaved head jumped down "its a girl"he said looking back up the others I made why way to one of the corners of the box they guy looked like he wanted to kill some one "hey greenie I'm not going to hurt you all right we just need to get you out of the box"he extended his and which I heastly took once I was out the box I was met with 40-50 boys all different hitghts and ages they where all just looking at me like they had never seen a girl before "all rights stop drilling over the greenie and give her some space"an older boy said from the way every one lissend i prusound he was the leader.

"welcome to the glade greenie "the boy spock agein 'glade greenie i sware iv head those words before'i thought "do you remember your name"he asked now that he had meanchend it what was my name did I have any family and how the fuck did I end up in that box "are you going to speak "oh sorry no I don't know my name"they boy just looked at me the smiled"can i ask whats your name "oh sorry greeine I'm alby shall we get on with the tour"i nodded   

the glade as alby called it look very filimiur i couldn't put a finger on it just yet but I swereiv been here before "so greeine here we have three ruld first of all never harm another glader two always do your part no one of this will work if you don't and third never got out these walls "what about them" I point to two figures in the distent coming towards up"there different its there job "I just nodded we continued to walk towards what looked like a garden "hey alby"a boy with a thick accent came up to us he had a small lipm as well "greenie meet newt he's second in command when I'm not around "good thing your always around then "he laughed "so how you finding it so far greeine"its nice here and can I ask whats greeine"the boy I now knew as newt looked at me then ably with a smirk "greeine is what we call the nebiws that come up "alby said "hey chuck "a small boy who looked around 12 or 13 walked up to us "why don't you show our new greenie around "sure" and with that I was now being draged away from the two boys 

newts pov 

once the two were a fair distance away I looked at alby "she sounds like you a bit" he smirks "I don't follow "your accsent she has the same one shuck face" i knew I had an accent but I never knew what I sounded like "you think so"he nodded "well have you found anything else in the books yet"i asked "no there's so much to go through its pretty hard within a day of only looking"he said looking back at the greeine "why do you think they sent a girl up here"he asked me "how the bloody hell am I'm meant to know "I laughed getting back to my work 

Later that night we had a bonfire for the greeine yet I couldn't find them "hey have any of you seen the greenie "I asked "ya she over there "frypan pointed to the girl sitibg at a tree looking down at something "thanks "hey greeine what ya doing "writing "she said I sat down beside her "about"here i want to remember this everything that happens here "now that I heard her up close she did have an accent my thoughts went back to the books chuck had found couldn't see her hand writing becous of how dark it was but mabey I jut overthink this write.

"well come one I'm sure everyone wants to meat you "I pulled her up and draged her over to minho "hey man had youmeat our new greeine "no not yet why is the shank ugly "he laughed i them moved out of the way so he could see the grenie who was still writing down "so greenie meat minho the keeper of the runner "nice to meet you greeine "she looked up at him "you too can I leave now"she asked before I could say anything she was walking back to the tree she was at a moment a go "why the suck is there a girl here"minho asked "I'm not sure but she writing in that book you don't think she y/n do you"i asked him "why wouldthey send her back up here them if she was able to get out "he asked "she sounds like you and looked like you ya shank face "minho laughed at me "alby said the same thing" i spent the rest of the night with minho wondering about who this girl is and where she came from she count be my twin could she.

you're pov

after I had left newt and the boy I want back to the tree to be honest I didn't want to speak to anyone I wanted to know they way out that's all I wanted to know all of this feels filmiuar to me like iv been here before I'm still not sure why of I'm honest I coninud to write in the book I had found walse in the box 

day 1

I woke up in this weird metel box today there where other thing in it as well like this book and anmils medica supplies and more things I could see onc the box had stoped i was meat the 40-50 boys it seemed I was the only girl here so far lucky me the weird thing is this place fell fmiluer like iv been here before more place than others I meet four people to day minho the keeper of the runner I think is what newt called him newt is second in command here chuck is a small boy about 13 years old and alby who is the leader here.

iv been getting stares from a lot of them as well honestly you would think they have never meat a girl before anyway this place is called the glade i think and theykeep calling me greeine which I think means newbie I'm not sure nothing relly happened to day but I would like to know what behind the wall's welp i think I'm going to go to bed I'm not sure how to since this off so em 


I closed my book and went to say night to chuck he was the only one I liked so far not in a weird way I think more like freinds he had help me set up a hamock earile he was honestly the niceest percone here so far I never realised how warm it is at night it was nice 

time skip 

i was woke up by light shaking i had forgotten where i was and jumped out of the hamock "sorry greeine"someone laughed it was a boy i hant yet meat he helped me up "you'll be with me all day lucky you"i just shurged"don't talk much do ya"no i do at least i think i do I'm just thinking "you sound like newt you know"he laughed "by the way I'm gally keeper of the bilders "can i ask what a keeper "its the person in charge of a said job"oh ok and how do i sound like newt gally"i said as we made our way over to a small hut.

word count 1620

not including this so how do you like this so far i really like this 

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