the change has begun

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W.I.C.K.E.D. Teresa pov

Thomas had just been sent put to the glade its been four years since y/n went up and I knew I was next the world was in full madness I felt bad for what would happen in a few days because of me but I knew that not everything would be perfect no one deserved this life especially not y/n she had been through so much more than anyone else because of this because of wicked because of me I knew what I had to do and all though it pained me to do this I wasn't going to try and stop it I knew that this place wasn't good just hope she'll remember what happened to use in the past.

Thomas had been up in the glade for about a day or two and now it was my turn I was greeted by Dr Paige on my way to the box I knew what I was to do whall I was up in the glade as they all called it the last thing I remember was a sharp pain in my arm and the words "wicked is good" 

back at the glade y/n pov 

the box had just come up why was it back again that was the question running through everyone's minds Thomas had just been sent up two days ago why are they sending a new greenie up nothing here makes any sense I was standing with Alby when I heard newt say"its a girl" my eyes light up "what's that in her hand "someone asked newt pick up the note tucked in to her hand "she the last one ever what the bloody hell does that mean" he asked himself more than anything we were started when this girl called out "Thomas" well at least we knew she ain't dead the weird thing was there was only the girl in the box nothing else something doesn't feel right.

some of the boys had moved her to the med bay to keep an eye on her I was about to go back to what I was doing when I saw minho? he was back early "hey Alby "what"I found something" for the first time since minho had started to run that fucking maze he had found something it was then decided he and Alby would go check it out I thought that was dum which got me a slap by a newt.

the maze doors were 10 minutes away from closing and minho and Alby was nowhere to be seen "they should have been back by now" chuck said almost like a whisper "they will make it back just you wait and see" newt tried to comfort the boy I knew they were going to make it back I had a feeling that this would go wrong just then I hear chuck and some others yelling that's when I spotted the two"somethings wrong" there aren't going to make it"come on"was all I could hear everything happened in slow motion like we were in some sort of movie the was walls closing and Thomas being the main character he is run into the maze 

"come on" I heard newt trying to move everyone away from the wall that's when I knew that everything was about to go downhill I sat in my and newts room for what felt like years crying not being able to get to sleep too terrified about my friends know that they would make it out alive.

it was the next morning and I woke up in my bed, not on the floor from where had fallen asleep when I heard a lot of screening from outside.

 word count 612

so for the endgame who do you want the endgame to be 






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