the diary

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it had been three years since ably was sent up to the maze followed by newt and Minho and so on and on. the diaries had still not been found the new greenie for this month was chuck a small boy around 12-13 and was most likely the youngest in the glade he wasn't really doing much so he was just wondering around the woods when he notices something sticking up from the ground chuck being himself and brode out of his mind went over to the weird thing and pulled it out of of the ground it was a bag he wanted to see what was inside but couldn't open it he knew newt out be able to help him since he was meant to be helping him in the garden.

chucks pov

the bag was old and looked like it had been there for a while I tried to open it but it was tide too tightly I knew newt could mabey help me so I made my way back to the tall blond boy I hadn't had time to get to know each other but I was still happy for the few I did know once I made my way back to knew he looked at me confused "what you go there greenie "he asked "I'm not sure it was lying in the dirt beside a tree I wanted to look in it but I can't seem to open it"newt laughed "so you want to see if I can open your bloody bag for ya "I looked away rubbing the back of my neck newt took the bag from the theme and opened it everything seemed to be I'm pretty good condition "I have no clue what these are but tonight well show ably alright" newt Spock handing the bad back to me "ok"

time skip

it was later that night at dinner when chuck decided to bring the bad up he knew he wasn't meant to just go up to their leader like that but who the fuck cared not him anyway well Mebay  a little but no one needs to know that now do they "ably "the boy said nervously "hey greenie you ok"the boy looked up from his food as well as some of the other keepers at the table "ah e ya I just found this and I wasn't sure what to do with it" Chuck glands at newt the back at alby and handes him the bag the older boy just looked bwteen the two boys but takes they bag anyway.

after dinner newt minho and alby decide to go throw the bag "do you think it will have anything use full in it"?minho asked "probably not it most likely been left by the craters"newt stated as ably started to take the itums out of the bag there where 4 book some 8 folded paper a silver band they looked at them one by one until newt spock up "whos y/n"he looked up at the other two in the room the dairy he had pick up seemed to be the oldest "are you going to open it"minho asked crossing his armins "ill get to that "the boy laughed the book was filled to the bring of diffret piced of paper newt started to read the first page.

day one 

em well hi i would tell you my name but i don't remember that I'm not sure why though for now ill call my self greeine i don't know why buts let go with it for the now cool cool.well first of i woke up in the mettel box thing that took me to long to get out of when i awoke here I'm not sure on what ill call it but i don't think ill be leaving any time soon im sorounded by four big walls they aren't open but i can hear things moving in side of them oh ya and for some reason there's anmils in the box as well im not to sure whats that all about if you wondering why im writing this down its becous i for one want to remember this and two if i ever leave this place i can have something to look back on .

i want to say its about mid day or so well once i mange to get out of the box and get everything out as well i swere who ever sent me here wont be two happy when i find that if i ever do i just spent to day walking about this place its really big and i seem to be the only one here the people that sent me up here gave some a hamock witch was nice of the i guess so i set that up i really hope they send some one else up soon im lonly and fuck here .

there's these weird gree bug with that have W.IC.K.E.D. on them i tried to tuch one it never went very well i think it will be nice here there's not much to do now but tomorrow ill find something to do its late now i think to be honest i don't know what time it is but light is fading to em i guess this is good night 


newt finished reading they three boys look up at each other with a shock look on there face "should i read more"neat asked the other two just nodded

day 2

well to day has been fun i get my name back its y/n its weird and im not sure if it suits me but at lest i have a name to call my felf now i started a farm and stared to male some bits and bobs around this place i still need a name for it i started to work on making a kitchen like think to keep all of the food i have in i was give some cand food as well as gronla bards and bread so thats what iv been eating and im happy to say it went well the walls opened up to day i think this is some form of a maze im not sure yet the box hast came back yet im waiting to see how long till it comes up .

its very hot here but its nice i just hope it doesn't rain any time soon i found out the most of the tings here have the word wicked on the still not sure what that means  but you know what shuck that oh ya i also forgot to meanchen i made up of new words shuck means fuch greenie means newbie klunk means shit thats all iv got fore now i think ill like it here 


"alby when you came up here what was all here "minho asked still looking shocked "well there was the map room the home shuck the kitchen a smaller farm and the sluter houce and a small med bay as well"they all looked at each other "so you telling me that this y/n was here before you bulit this place and the left leaving there stuff here "newt asked looked at there leader "look i know as much as you do "alby said "hey why don't we just go to shucking sleep and come back to this in the moring "minha yawned.

minho had given the runners the day off and alby had called all of the keepers for a gathering about this y/n percon "so if your wondering why your all here its becous chuck found this yester day and we wanted to see if we could find any use full info in it so take a pice of paper and get looking all right "alby was followed by mumbels and growns him newt minho and gally had one book each and the others had the pice of paperthat had their fallen out of a book or was just there. 

about an hour had past and no one had found anything till gally spock up "hey i fould something "well don't just stand there read it out"alby orderd

day 163

well good even to who ever is reading this to day has been a shucking grate one i keep having these dreams about a boy called newt and who ever he is they keep saying were twins i don't understand what going on with my head mabey im just going crazy right iv been here alone for so long right 

not the point of today i finished mapping out the full maze i the maze opens is bits so one part will open then the next a different one but i don't think it has anything to do with the maze i think it has something to do with the maps and greviers thats what im calling them anywhere there big creachers that have tried to kill me there easy to kill once you get the change of it oh ya and the box came up again with more things i wish they would send someone else up here im border welp good night 


gally look up to see all eyes on him "newt have you ever heard the name y/n before this "newt shook his head sigling he handent before "and what dose she if its a she mean about its not the maze its the maps and greviers "minho asked "im not sure but there are some what maps they aren't very clear though "frypan stated 

they where about to couninu when the box alarm went off

 word cound 1592

the word count dose not in clude this part 

so how do you like it so far im still trying to think of a way to get y/n into the galde for the fun to begin so the next chapter may be really long or short but ya feed back would be nice so ty for reading this 

maze runner x reader(under editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon