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Namjoon jogged home as he noticed the pile of mail on their doormat. Picking it up and beginning to sort through it. One envelope with a wax seal catching his attention right away. "Who uses wax seals anymore?" He questioned as he turned the letter over. 

It was addressed to him.

Namjoon walked into the living room handed his mom and his dad their mail. "Does anyone know what Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is?" 

"HOGWARTS?!" His dad leaped up to snatch the letter from his son. "YES! I KNEW YOU WERE A WIZARD LIKE ME!"

"A what? LIKE WHO-"

Namjoon's mother simply sighed. "Your dad is a wizard, we never told you because we weren't sure if you were one as well."

Namjoon's dad was beaming at his son. "I've never been more proud."

"But... I didn't do anything?"

"But you're a wizard! I knew all those times you broke things was for a reason!" The man shone with pride as he ran to get his old wizardry things.

Namjoon scratched his head completely confused about what was going on. "Wait... Wait are you saying I wasn't just clumsy?!"

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"Dad it's like... seven, in the morning, what is so important?" Seokjin grabbed his glasses from the bedside table to see his two parents shoving a letter in his face.

"YOU'RE A WIZARD!" His mother squealed. 

Jin rolled his eyes as he scanned his eyes over the letter. "Well... Yeah? You guys and witches and wizards, why wouldn't I be one as well?"

His dad shrugged. "The confirmation helps. I bet you'll be a Gryffindor like me!" 

"No, he'll be a Hufflepuff like me!" His mom argued. 

His parents bickered about which house he would get sorted into as Jin read the list of supplies he needed. 

"OHHH! AND WE NEED TO TAKE YOU TO DIAGON ALLEY TO GET YOUR THINGS! WE CAN GET YOU A WAND FROM OLIVANDARS! I can't wait!" His mother squealed again before rushing off to plan their trip. 

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Yoongi smiled as he reached a hand out, the cat sniffing it before rubbing its face onto the human's hand. 

"YOONGI!" A voice called from the back doorway of the estate. "Get inside and stop playing with that stray! You're a Min! Act like it!"

Yoongi sighed as he ran his hand over the cat a few times. "I'm sorry about them. I'll be back with food later." He promised as he went back inside to see his family gathered around the table. 

"Your Hogwarts letter came today. As expected. I was worried you would be a squib for a while." His father hummed. "Good to know we have another wizard in our family, gotta keep up the bloodline. I also expect you to get sorted into Slytherin."

"Alright," Yoongi muttered as he denied food from the house elf.

"Get your things together we'll be traveling to Diagon alley soon."

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