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"hello." the young girl replied looking at the boy in front of her, she was on the edge of the sandpit a small purple spade in her hand

"do you want to play with me, we can play cars." the three year old boy asked the girl who was playing in the sand by himself, he even held up two cars as he spoke showing off a red and white one.

the girl looked up at the boy in front of her shyly nodding her head not knowing what to say, she was always taught not to talk to strangers no matter what, but her three year old self honestly didn't have a problem with this one. i mean what was another three year old really going to do.

"here you have the red one i'll have the white one." the boy spoke with pure excitement in his voice happy to have some to play with.

both of the near four year olds ran around the park speeding the cars along any surface they could, both of them making the very annoying zoom sound that all kids do when cars are around.

˚· ͟͟͞͞ .༄༷˚
5 years old...

"jonah." the girl shouted as she chased after him, now aged five they had been friends for two years their mums taking them to the park every weekend so they could play cars with each other. soon the games of cars turned into other things like hit and seek, tag, other things that kids love to play.

the day older boy laughed as the girl caught up to him, tagging him quickly before running away giggling slightly as the boy chased her around the empty field that surrounded the play park.

˚· ͟͟͞͞ .༄༷˚
ten years old...

"sing a song." the now ten year old girl asked the boy as they sat swinging on the swings of which were at the same park they had met at just seven years before.

jonah looked at the girl before he started to sing night chances by one direction, him himself hoping that one day he would get to do what one direction do but part of him thought he would never get there no matter how hard he tried, he knew there was always going to be someone better. but the girl didn't see that in her eyes jonah was perfect, everything about him made jonah, jonah and she wouldn't change that for the world.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ .༄༷˚
15 years old...

"do you remember these?" the girl asked holding up the red toy car, the exact one from the day they had met, 12 years ago, the boy looked up, shocked to see the girl holding the red car he smiled slightly, before reaching into his pocket pulling out the exact same white one he had that day.

"i have it with me everyday." the boy goofily smiled at the girl making her return it knowing that she couldn't not, something about the boys smile made her happy and she wasn't scared to admit that actually everyone around them knew how happy they made each other they were best friends after all.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ .༄༷˚
16 years old...

"you better remember to call me," the girl cried breaking away from the hug, the boy nodded using his thumb to wipe the tears off the girls cheeks,m both of them smiling tears brimming their eyes as the day old boy stepped back the girls hands still link in his own as he slowly broke away at the call of his flight, waving slightly at his family before walking away not wanting to look back cause he knew if he did he wouldn't be able to go. 

authors note ; a lot of time skips but like after this part that's it for time skips i think. anyways i genuinely love this so much.

texts & letters ; jonah marais Where stories live. Discover now