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1192 days. it had been 1192 days since the two 21 year olds had last seen each other, but today that was going to change.

jonah was asked by his parents to get the door, taken back a bit when he saw the girl he had left 3 years ago. both of them didn't hesitate in throwing there arms around each other crying into each other's arms as they swayed side to side. jonah being the first one to break the hug running up the stairs away from the girl grabbing the clear box that was full of letters for her.

"these are for you." the day older make said handing the crying girl the letters, she looked at him confused opening the box picking up the letter that said 1191 reading it slightly crying more as she read it.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ .༄༷˚

i miss you. third christmas without you by my side, i want nothing more then to be with you. i miss you. i miss you so much. life's never been the same since i left not having best friend by my side through the biggest journey of my life has been horrible.

anyways today i spent the day with my family, i got svea a new pet chicken as we both know she loves them so much. my family got me black jean jacket with the words 8 letters on it you know cause of our album 8 letters. it's honestly beautiful. it even has the album cover painted on the back. hopefully one day i'll be able to hear what you got in person.

i really hope life is treating you well
i love you always

jonah x

˚· ͟͟͞͞ .༄༷˚

"jonah." the girl sobbed wrapping her arms around the boy, both of them crying more. jonah picking up the girl taking her to his room so they could both talk not wanting there families to hear any of the conversations.

the girl pulled out her phone going to her messages scrolling up to the first one she had sent to jonah 1192 days ago, then she searched for the letter that read 1 on the front.

hey jo, you've been gone for a day, i dont know if you arrived in la safely but i'm really hoping you have. maybe you're sleeping right now or just busy. i just wanted to let you know that everyone's missing you here, me especially anyways you probably don't want to listen to me going on. i love you so much, hope to hear from you soon. x

˚· ͟͟͞͞ .༄༷˚

hey, i arrived safely and i saw the boys for the first time in months it feels so good to be around them again. we've already written a song and are going to record it tomorrow i'm so excited. i really hope you listen to it when it's out. i'm really missing you too, maybe slightly more then i miss the others. hopefully we'll get to see each other soon, i love you so much

jonah x

˚· ͟͟͞͞ .༄༷˚

the girl sobbed more as she read the text then the letter out loud, she realised that he had read every text each letter responding to the message she had sent.

as they continued to go through text and letter for each day they were away from each other. the tears stopped falling both of them out of tears to cry,  instead they had just remained on their faces drying up on there skin.

they were together again after 1192 days

texts & letters ; jonah marais Where stories live. Discover now