Chapter 7

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"Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" Hope said hysterically

"Me too." Rubie answered, the two girls had went to the living quarters trailer to get ready. She was more nervous than excited. "What if Lane asks her to dance?" "What if he doesn't like me like I think he does?" "What if Kacee is there?" Were all questions going through her head.

"Hello? You there?" asked Hope, snapping Rubie from her thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous that's all." she answered

"Don't be! You look beautiful!"

Rubie had worn her favorite button-up with her best pair of jeans. It was black with bronze, sequined angel wings on the back.

"Thank you." Rubie answered

"I bet Lane will like it." Hope said with a smirk on her face.

"Hey!" Rubie yelled, throwing a pillow off the couch at her.

"Okay! Okay! I surrender! But seriously, you do look really good tonight." Hope said with a kind smile

"Thank you." Rubie answered

***2 Hours Later***

"Hey Hope!" Hope and Rubie turned around and saw Dalton walkin up.

"Wow, now he looks good." Hope whispered to Rubie.

"Yeah. I sure can pick 'em for you." Rubie said with a wink.

Dalton was wearing his cowboy hat and a blue and white paisley button-up with a good pair of jeans.

"Hey Rubie!" Dalton said.

"Hey!" she answered, "Umm, have you seen Lane?"

"No, well, maybe." Dalton said with a smirk.

"Okay, whatever." Rubie said, smiling, but still wondering. "I'll leave you and Hope to yourselves." After walkin awhile, she heard a voice.

"Hey Rubie." He said

She turned around and saw Lane.

"Hey Lane." Rubie said with a smile, and walked over and hugged him. There was something wrong and she could tell,

"What's wrong Lane?" she asked

"Huh? Oh, nothing." he said quickly

"Are you sure?" she asked again

"Yeah, I'm fine, I promise." and as soon as he said that, a song started playing.

"Hey, so, um, Rubie, I was wondering if you'd wanna dance?" Lane asked shyly

"Of course Lane, i'd love to." Rubie answered with a smile. They both walked over to the dance floor. The two of them danced for a long time. And eventually they both met up with Hope and Dalton and got something to eat.

"So what have yall been doin?" Rubie asked Hope, at the same time Lane gave Dalton a certain look, and Dalton gave it back like, "Don't even ask".

"Well we danced for awhile and talked and stuff." Hope answered

"Ooohhh! Stuff!" Rubie said playfully

"Oh! Daltons been gettin him some!" Lane yelled playfully. Dalton kicked him back.

"Well what have yall been doin?" Dalton asked Lane

"Dancing." he asnwered

"Whoa, try not to take it too far." Dalton said playfully.

"Alright, alright." Lane said. "Rubie you wanna go dance some more?" he asked

"Sure." she answered. they went back to the dance floor during a slowdance. Rubie put her head in his shoulder. And he laid his head on hers.

"Rubie, there's something I've been meaning to ask you a long time." he said

Rubie could feel the butterflies in her stomach.

"Okay, well, ask away." she answered

"Well, I broke up with Kacee a few weeks back." he said

"Yeah, ok" she said

"But after you came, I don't know, I just finally got the courage to stand up to Kacee." he paused for awhile. "But anyways, I broke up with her, and I was wondering, well, Rubie, would you be my girlfriend?"

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