Chapter 4

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The second day of rodeo was sadly not as good as the first, it was better.

"Day two!" My dad said while shaking my shoulders.

"Ugh... Let me sleep!" I said half-awake, half-asleep. And I threw a pillow at him.

"Come on, you need to get ready." he said after throwing the pillow back.

***Skipping Getting Ready***

"Hey Rubie!" I heard an excited voice behind me while I was warming up. I looked behind me and saw Lane loping up to ride beside me.

"Hey Lane!" I said.
Once he rode up we just walked next to each other for a while.

"So, I'm sorry about yesterday."

"Its ok." I paused, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend." I was hoping I could hide the sadness in my voice.

"Well, I wasnt even sure if I had one anymore or not." he said he got that kicked puppy look in his eyes again and that just made me sad.

"Well good luck today! I'm ready to see you ride bulls! I didn't get to yesterday!" I said trying to change his mood a little. And it worked his face lit up.

"Oh yeah! Me too!" He said through a wide grin.

"Well I need to start warming up so I'll see you around!" I said

"Alright! Good luck today!" He said before I loped off.

***Before Bull Ridin***

"I'd better go get ready." Lane said.

"Okay, good luck!" I said.
I had been setting with Lane and his friend Dalton.

"Has he ever got hurt?" I asked Dalton "Lane I mean, while bull ridin."

"Yes. He's broke his collarbone." Dalton said

"Oh. Oh look! Here he comes!" I said I had always worried about the bull riders but now I'm extra nervous. Lane stayed on for 8 seconds. He got 54 points.

***After Rodeo***

"I'm gonna miss yall" I told Lane and Dalton.

"We'll miss you too." the boys said in unison.

"Here's my number!" Said Lane after putting a piece of paper in my hand.

"Let me write mine on the back!" Said Dalton eagerly.

"Okay! Okay!" I said through a smile. The boys and I had become good friends over the past few days.

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