Chapter 9

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"Hey!" I heard a girls voice behind me. I turned around.

"Um, hey." I answered, I'd never met this girl, I mean, I've seen her at local rodeos, and dang she could ride, but I didn't know she did this rodeo association.

"Rubie right?" She asked

"Yeah that's me."

"Well my name's Kennedy Willingham. I've seen you at local rodeos when I came to my dads house for the summer." she looked at me, smiling

"Yeah, I thought I'd seen you around before." I said

"So, I was going to see the standings for barrels, you wanna come?" she asked me

"Yeah sure I was already headed that way actually."

"Great then we'll go together!" She said. Man, Kennedy sure was a 'happy' person, always smilin and stuff. she kinda reminds me of Emily. We walked up and read the standings for barrels and poles. I was 4th in poles and 3rd in barrels. Kennedy was 5th in poles and 2nd in barrels.

"Good job Rubie!" Kennedy said, "I'm not the best at poles I guess"

"Thanks. But you're a good rider, you probably only have 5th since you knocked over a pole." I answered, and it was true, she was good.

"Thanks, but we've been needin to work on poles, me and my horse I mean."

"Haha, yeah I know what you meant." I answered, laughing

"Well, I'll see you around Rubie!" She said, "I have to go get on, but maybe we'll see each other around!"

"Okay, good luck today!" I answered

"You too!" She yelled, halfway around the parking lot.


"Hey L-" I started to yell, I caught Lane talkin to Dalton, but I decided to surprise him. I started runnin to him and when I was a few feet away I yelled, "Lane!" as loud as I could, and he turned around just in time to catch me in his arms. He started spinnin me around and around in his arms.

"Hey beautiful!" He said, out of breath from spinnin me.

"Hey handsome!" I said back. I just got to look at him while we stood there, with me in his arms, until he put his forehead on mine.

"You do know you're beautiful right?" He asked me. I started to blush before I even answered.

"Im not."

"Yes you are, Rubie, you're gorgeous." He practically insisted, he talked in a tone of voice that wanted to make me end the conversation.

"You know better." I said

"No, you're beautiful. I can't believe I'm dating a girl as beautiful as you are. We can do this all day, you are gorgeous." he said. I didn't answer for awhile.

"Well, thank you. And good luck." I said with a smile.

"Thanks, you too." He said


"Hey Rubie!" I was warming up for my pole run and I heard someone yell. I turned around and saw Kennedy.

"Hey Kennedy!" I said

"Well I wanted to tell you good luck!"

"Thanks Kennedy! You too!" I said. She's really nice, maybe we're friends...


"Lane is next!" Kennedy said excitingly.

"I know I'm excited!" I answered. Kennedy and I were hangin out after our runs. I guess word travels fast with rodeo kids, because she already knew we were datin.

"I think yall are a good couple." she said.

"Thank ya" I said. She's been really nice since we met earlier this afternoon. Lane's name was called as I saw his head duck into the chute. I was honestly nervous. I didn't want him to get hurt. But then again, he's been doin this a long time so I just had to trust him that he wouldn't get hurt.


"Hey good job!" I said when I caught up to Lane after his ride.

"Thanks. I think I can ride better when I have my girlfriend watchin." he said

"Well then ill just have to watch every time so you can win."

"It's a deal." he said. "So, Rubie, I was wondering if you wanted to go and grab a bite to eat."

"Oh yeah sure maybe we can go on Saturday after the next rodeo." I answered

"No, I mean right now."

"Oh, okay, um, let me go grab my stuff."

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