The arugment

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Sorry I haven't posted a lot I don't have any energy.... my mom forced me outside the other day and now I'm sick 🤒 (it's just a small cold) so yea
Love y'all
And check out my other stories


It's been a few months..

Michelle'le is now in the first grade and she loves it, she is class with izuku and uraraka son.. he sometimes comes over and plays and let's just say bakugo turns into a overprotective uncle when he is playing with Michelle'le and rosey, todoroki acts like a dad and it's cute ☺️
Michelle'le thinks of Todoroki as her father and it makes me so happy, me and shoto aren't dating but we have been on a few dates here and there, and also we bring Michelle'le

Michelle'le birthday pasted this summer and she turned 6, and shoto took us to Disney land and then we went on a safari trip I was kinda upset when he wouldn't let me pay for anything but at the end we had fun (I know summer hasn't started yet but for the sake of the story it has) Michelle'le was actually really smart and her attitude has gotten worse, she would get in trouble for talking back to the teachers or arguements with the students because she was colored and that she doesn't have a dad and she would cry but izuki ( uraraka and izuku son)  sticks up for her and I find it cute... cece is also going through the same problem and Mina and ejirou son ( ejio) sticks up for her
Me and Ashley put both bakugo and Todoroki on the emergency contact but we took bakugo off when he cursed out the principal because the kids were being racist to Michelle'le and rose but he is a pro and has a no more of that

"Michelle'le did you eat my ice cream" I yell from the kitchen

"Sorry, I saw it last night me and milo were hungry and we saw the ice cream" she yells from the living room

"Milo can't eat chocolate" I yell back

"I know him and neo has vanilla ice cream" she yells

"Ugh" I groan "wait vanilla ice cream that was Ashley's" I mumbled "oh well" I say knowing they will get in trouble

Milo is the golden retriever that shoto got Michelle'le for her birthday because she always wanted one... and neo is Bernese mountain dog that bakugo got cece.. he wanted her to have a Rockweiler or a pitbull but ashley was too scared. oh have I mention that bakugo and Ashley started dating and cece calls him dad I find it cute ☺️ and Michelle'le calls him uncle boom boom 💥 (the dogs are in the picture above).

It was just me, Michelle'le and milo home at the moment, Ashley, cece and bakugo went out to who knows where, I was doing work in the kitchen while milo and Michelle'le were watching the princess and the frog for the first time, and I think she loved it. I for one love the movie and know all the songs word from word, when all of a sudden Michelle'le comes running in the kitchen looking like she was gonna burst into tears

"What's wrong" you ask as she holds milo in her arms

"I just witnessed my first death" she cries and was confused "what?" I question

"Ray he died right before my eyes" she cried as she hugged me and I tried not to laugh

"Aw it's ok" I comfort her, then i got an email from her school on my computer And read it

"Hey guess what" I tell her and she looks at me "your school is having a daddy daughter dance" I smile at her but she wasn't smiling back

"I can't go" she mumbles in my chest, "why" I ask

"I don't have a daddy, so I can't go" she frowned. I know she felt sad and I feel a little guilty because it's my fault for her dad not being in her life but I did a good thing. Her father was toxic and I didn't want her to grow up in that kind of house. "How about you ask shoto if he can take you" I suggest and she smiles at me and nods, I give her my phone and I look for the contact 'Walmart Elsa' and she laughs at the name and calls him, he answers and he agrees to take her and since it's next week I decided to take her shopping this weekend. I had to argue with shoto so he lets me pay for the dress and everything else

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