(first year) Ch. 10 Christmas Part 2 (Dean POV)

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(This isn't the best chapter so I'm sorry)

As the Holliday drew nearer I became more and more nervous. It was one thing being introduced to whole new world that your suddenly apart of, but it was another going back to the world that you lived in all your life. I mean, what if mum had another breakdown? She barely came back from the last one and I didn't think she would be able to do it again

Seamus had tried to cheer me up whenever he could. Dragging me along to the Gryffindor snowball fight, asking Hermione to charm my silverware to dance. He was always good at cheering me up and it would work, but you can't stop being worried so quickly.

I really hadn't thought about my mum's new husband for over a month. But now it started to dawn on me that I would have to see him and talk to him. Honestly, it scared me how fast mum got married and some small part of me thought it was my fault for bringing the shock of being a wizard.

The day came for the Hogwarts' Express to take us home and Seamus was overjoyed. He was doing the thing he does whenever he gets excited, tapping his wand against his leg and practically bouncing up and down.

"Ya excited to go back to your family, Dean?"

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Hey, Dean. Look at me." He pulled on my arm and forced me to look at him. "Things'll turn out alright. It can't be any worse than that one Potions class where Malfoy splashed goo all over the ceiling. Besides, you can owl me and I can set fire to your bird's feathers!"

I had felt kind of bad for making him say all of that just because I was grumpy. But he did have a point, my owl was gonna have hurt feathers if Seamus got upset.

"Right." I said. "Well, looks like our ride's here."

It was like the whole world was saying Dean, stop feeling bad for yourself! Who knows, maybe everything will turn out okay! The train looked like Christmas was vomited on it. Jingle bells were on every door handle, holly and tinsel was everywhere. I had glitter in my hair and robes for weeks.

"Yes!" Seamus shouted, drawing a few strange looks. "A free compartment!"

That was the first, and only time, that Seamus and I managed to get a compartment all to ourselves.

"If I have to chase a toad around the whole train again, I'll make sure they get banned from school." I joked.


My worries about Jacob being a horrible person started to disappear. If mum loves him so much then he can't be too bad. I couldn't feel sorry for myself forever, it got tiring to try after a while.

Seamus managed to make me laugh pretty quickly about some random things I forgot immediately. Something he had always managed to do.

All too quickly the train pulled up to Platform 9 3/4. Witches and wizards met their kids and laughed, owls covered in snow swooped down from the ceiling, hundreds of people milled about.

I spotted my mum standing near the back, looking about as out of place as a muggle can get in a place filled with wizards.

"You better write." Seamus warned me when we had stepped onto the platform.

I laughed. "Ok, I will. See ya."


"Dean!" Mum ran up to me and hugged me tight. "Kara and Ryan have missed you! Come on."

I got into the backseat of her car, mum grinning the whole time. She looked better. Her hair was combed, her eyes were sparkling, I could tell that she was feeling more like herself.

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