(fourth year) Ch. 36 The Goblet of Fire

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(Sorry about how long this took. At least it wasn't two months again)

The next day I woke up with what I can only describe as a party hangover. I had a stomachache (which could only be from all that cake I ate. Can't trust any food Fred and George give you) and I'm pretty sure I ended up being so exhausted that I ended up passing out in the first place I went when Dean and I finally got back to the dorms. That would explain why I woke up on the cold bathroom floor.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and trying to ignore my aching back. A toothbrush still hung out of my mouth and a wet spot of drool was right where my head had been moments previously.

"Great." I mumbled, "Just my luck that I wake up in the bathroom with a pool of drool."

I hastily cleaned up the drool and vowed never to speak of the moment again. I was still in my clothes from the night before so before going down to get breakfast I decided I needed to change.

Guess who was the only person in the room who looked like a complete idiot? Guessed yet? It was Dean. Congrats if you got that right.

Dean has always been a still sleeper, sometimes I would wake up and look over at him just to see he didn't move a muscle while he slept. His hair was still perfect. This was no such occasion. His sheets were a mess, practically thrown in the ground, and he was sprawled upside down on the bed. He was also still in his clothes from last night but they were crumpled and wrinkled almost beyond recognition. His hair was a complete mess which was not something that I had ever seen him with.

Since Dean was so vulnerable and was in the worst shape I had ever seen him in sleep, I did what every hood friend would do and pranked him.

While this was a very old and very over used prank, that does not mean that it is not a good one. I grabbed a bucket that we just happened to have lying around and filled it up with water from the sink. I couldn't control my laughter as I brought the bucket over to him. I stood in front of him, already laughing at what I was about to do. He looked so peaceful. He was snoring like crazy, but peaceful.

Slowly, I tipped the bucket onto his face.

"Blegh!!" Dean bolted up in bed with a sound that sounded more like a gargle. He panted heavily and his hair dripped water all over his bed sheets.

I burst out laughing.

"You should see your face! That was hilari-"

I didn't get a chance to say more because it was at that moment Dean's anger caught up with him and he launched in my direction. I turned away too late and only succeeded in tripping over a pile of clothes as Dean flew through the air and tackled me.

"What the fuck was that for!!" Dean was on top of me, hair dripping directly onto my face and into my eyes. His eyes held such a fury that it made me laugh even harder then I already was.

"I'm sorry but that was just-" I started giggling hysterically, which wasn't my best move because Dean started to violently shake my shoulders so my head would continue hitting the floor.

"Ow! Okay, okay!! I'm sorry ok. It was just so easy."

Dean glared at me and made like he was going to hit my head against the ground again.

"Alright alright! I really am sorry. I shouldn't have woken you, I apologize from the deepest depths of my cake-living soul."

This seemed to calm Dean down as much as he could be. At any rate he got off of me but was still glaring furiously. It was kind of hard to take him seriously when his hair was dripping into his eyes.

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