(first year) Ch. 1 The Letters*

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(Hi! I'm rewriting this story as well as updating it. But since I'm rewriting it the updates will come in farther apart)

Seamus' POV:
I squinted up at the ceiling warily. It seemed way too early for me to be up, the sun had barely even come up. But the constant loud and obnoxious hooting that seemed to be happening directly into my ear had woken me up and there was no way that I was going to be able to go back to sleep.

Owlbert Einstein, my owl (I was six when I named him, okay?), sat perched on my chest, staring at me with his large yellow eyes while hooting.

"Getoff!" I attempted to push him off but my arm felt like lead and I only succeeded in hitting my own face while Owlbert just stared. I tried again, this time I almost got him, but I had moved so much trying to hit him the first time that I fell off the bed instead.

I hit the ground with a dull thud, cracking my head on the wood. I seriously considered just lying down there with my head injury until I finally died, but the universe obviously had some other plans that required me to move.

"Is that you Seamus?!" Mam called from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!"

I groaned and painfully pulled myself up. My head was still throbbing but I was hungry and that was stronger than my injury. I managed to get all the way to the door when Owlbert decided to mess with me even more than he already had (and he was getting very annoying). He landed on my head. I tried to swat him away but he was a very stubborn bird and simply hooted at me and made himself comfortable.

Mam was just finishing setting up the table when I got into the kitchen. The plates were floating from the kitchen to the table with only a wave of her wand, and the sausages were rolling through the air to meet the plates.

"Good morning, Seamus!" She smiled brightly at me. She already seemed to be prepared for the day. Her long blonde hair was tied back into a tight bun and she was already wearing her work robes. How she could manage to be so ready to start the day at only seven in the morning was a complete mystery to me.

"Mornin'" I said grumpily. I sat down at my place and caught a sausage as it was rolling to a plate.

"I see you have a stowaway," she raised her eyebrows at Owlbert. Owlbert hooted in response.

"Woke up with him like this,"

"Hmm, well, you better hope he doesn't decide you're a toilet."

"Don't say that!" I tried swatting Owlbert again. No luck. "He might get an idea!"

Mam laughed and sat down at the seat across from me. "I won't mention it again."

We ate in silence for a few minutes, before the sound of glass shattering and a string of curse words punctured the air.

"Dad's at it again?" It wasn't a question. The banging and swearing from the office room was enough to tell me all I needed to know.

Mam sighed deeply and pushed her food away. "Try not to be too mad at him. He just lost his job y'know."

"I know."

The silence then resumed since that small conversation had ruined our moods. A large screech from the window brought me out of my thoughts. An owl was coming straight for our table. Luckily it didn't land on any of our food, but it dropped a letter right on my plate before flying off again.

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