(fourth year) Ch. 32 Dragons

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(It's not the best but it has dragons)

The rest of the week past without much incident. I hung out with Kara and Ryan, learned to make bracelets, and went to a few muggle shops with Jacob. I finally got a bed in Dean's room so I didn't have to sleep on the chair anymore. He didn't bring up my dad again but I could tell he was paying closer attention to me then he was before, like he was afraid I'd explode.

That Saturday, I would be going to Romania! I could barely hold in my excitement that Friday. Sparky was excited to be going back home even if it was only for a day.

"Will you need anything packed?" Mrs. Thomas had made it her sworn duty to help me get ready for this trip. Making sure I knew what to do if I got lost and buying me a magical camera to take pictures of the dragons with.

"No, I'll only be gone a day. I should be back by Sunday."

"Okay, promise me you won't get hurt. Dragons may be cool but they are also very vicious."

I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "I promise."

Charlie's friend who was taking me to Romania was standing in the living room talking with Jacob when we went downstairs. His name was Gwen and he looked like he was just out of school. His hair was a shocking orange and freckles dotted his face, much like a Weasley. His cloak was a forest green along with his eyes, which seemed to be his favorite color, and he wore tall boots with dark pants and a pirate shirt. Overall a very nice style.

"Hello Seamus!" He beamed brightly at me when he saw Mrs. Thomas and I coming down the stairs. His accent was slightly English but had Scottish written all over it. "Charlie told me ta fly ya to our sanctuary in Romania. Hope you've got everything packed."

"I do." I said, holding up my bag for proof.

Gwen nodded in approval. "Good. My broom's out back."

By '"broom" he must've meant "car-sized-flying-machine" because that thing was huge. There were four leather seat, one in the front for the driver and three in the back. It wasn't even a broom. Wheels were attached to the bottom so it could drive and there was a detachable roof in case it rained.

"I built her myself." Gwen stated proudly. He looked at the "broom" with such affection you would've compared it to his child. "Hop on."

"Bye honey," Mrs. Thomas gave me a huge hug as I was getting into a seat. "Be safe."

"I will."

The "broom" began to rise from the ground and I looked at the family below us. The twin were jumping up and down, waving to me like it was the most exciting thing to do. Jacob smiled up at me, not at all upset about seeing something like this flying. And Dean just stood with the twins, grinning and waving almost as excitedly as them.

"Hope ya holding tight!" Gwen shouted at me as we reached the clouds, aviator goggles strapped around his face.

"What?! Why?"

In a few seconds I got my answer. The machine shot forward faster than anything I have ever seen. I left my stomach behind me and gripped the seats for dear life as we speed across the earth, everything below me too blurry to see.

We got to Romania in only about twenty minutes, me feeling too sick to puke. It was beautiful. Rolling green hills dotted with small trees and stones. The sky was the brightest blue I have ever seen, and it was the perfect temperature.

"Where's the sanctuary?" I asked confused. "There's only hills."

Gwen laughed. "That's because it's concealed. Did you think we'd just let anyone see this place?"

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