(first year) Ch. 3 Toad Chasing*

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Seamus POV:
The last few weeks of summer seemed to vanish before I even had the chance to enjoy them. Soon enough mam and I were standing in King's Cross Station preparing to get onto Platform 9 ¾.

"Just remember Seamus," mam whispered when we stood in front of 9 ¾ , "you have to run through the wall. Don't think about it. Just pretend that it isn't there-"

I rolled my eyes. "Mam, you've been over this a million times. I know how to get into the station."

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. "I just don't want you to forget."

Like it was hard to forget the absurdity of that platform. Running through a brick wall? Couldn't they just make a whole other station? You haven't experienced embarrassment until you've had to explain to a concerned muggle that you were not trying to crash into a wall on purpose. I almost got arrested once! And honestly, what was it with the wizarding world and brick walls? To get to Diagon Alley you had to go through a brick wall, to get to Platform 9 ¾ you had to go through a brick wall. Next thing you know we'll be going through a brick wall just to get to a bathroom. Didn't whoever created these things have any imagination?

I readied myself in front of the brick wall that separated platforms 9 and 10, looking around to make sure no muggle was watching. I took a deep breath and sprinted straight at the wall. It didn't feel like passing through a brick wall might. It wasn't painful at all, like I had expected it to, it just felt like I was passing through smoke.

I emerged on the other side with mam right behind me onto Platform 9 ¾. The platform was completely crowded with people. Witches and wizards in colorful robes and pointed hats were scrambling around, all trying to get to the same place at once. People shouted to friends and loved ones, adding onto the already loud noise of everyone walking around. Owls flew overhead, landing on hats only to be swatted away with annoyance. Cats much like the ones in Diagon Alley wove in between people's legs and hissed randomly. I smartly made the decision to stay away from them.

Kids my age and older raced onto the train or ran to give their last hugs goodbye to their parents. Teenagers hung dangerously out of the windows, talking with the people on the platform through the thick smoke.

"Ok," mam grabbed my arm before I could go any further into the crowd. She looked more nervous than I felt. "Please be careful at school. And owl me as soon as you are sorted!"

"Why would I owl you when they'll tell you anyway next week?"

"I just want it to come from you!" At that moment she pulled me into a hug, nearly crushing my arms to my side. "And I'll love you no matter what house you get!"

I pulled away, a little embarrassed, and nodded. She kissed me on the forehead and turned around to leave. I sighed a bit and mentally prepared myself to get through the crowd.


"Leave your trolly here." A weird looking man wearing a red train conductor outfit said. His proportions seemed very slightly off. Strangely long limbs, a perfectly straight mouth, and eyes that were too big for his head.

I nodded and left my luggage with the strange man and boarded the train. It was just as packed as the platform was. People were running around the very small hallway to friends or just to get to a compartment. I managed to squeeze through the groups and make it to a compartment that was nearly empty.

There were only two people in there, a girl with bushy brown hair and a boy who sat stroking a toad that lay in his hand. They both seemed to be my age. The girl was absorbed in a book that I had never heard of before and the boy was busy with his toad. Both didn't even notice my presence.

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