cranium 8: twilight of sunfall

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So you and taylor walked to lunch, quietyly planning on how to find the coochie man,the ultimate emo amoung other sus things. Anyways you say the leader of the vampires talking with the leader of the werewolves, jay and emily, respectfully. "So how are we gonna go about this" you say to tailor. "Idk maybe if we ask the vampires and werewolves who they think the coochie man might be." "oh worm ok cool" you said as you walked over to emily the leader of the werewolves, the cooler and cuter group. "Omg emiltee hii" you said "omg idk who u r but hi~ (=ↀωↀ=)✧" "so like....the fall formal.....who do u think the coochie man might be?" "honestly idk ٩(ↀДↀ)۶" emily responded, "since we are all so new here and stuff. But if i would have to guess it would be Matthew Thee Stallion, or Megan/Matt for short (ΦзΦ)" she nodded to herself " now if u excuse me i gotta go back to flirting with the vampire leader (ΦωΦσ)σ" "ok have fun bestie" you said cha cha sliding away. "Omfg what did Emily say" Taylor asked all depressed like "she thinks the megan might be the possible coochie man" you replied "we should ask jay what she thinks" "ur right lol" you walked up to jay, who was a vampire (?). Jay looked at you and said " i am DARCLUA, WHO IS YOU? ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)" "um hi im myself and i was wondering who u think the school's coochie man is?uwu?//??/" "ong if u dont shut ur mcr uwu xd rawr y/n l/n ass up ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)" jay replied "anyways i think it might be megan also as well" "omg thank " i said skedaddling away "ok so megan might probably be the coochie man but his knees look weak as hell how is he gonna be the coochie man?" i siad "yeah but his eyebrows are hot af" taylor said biting his lower lip, dice roll walking. "Um chile, anyways so now we gotta figure out who the ultimate emo is." "yes." taylor said.

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