the apartment

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after getting some food from the drive through they made there way to what he could only assume was the tired man's apartment.  i couldn't deny the fact that i was still shaking with fear, but the food tasted so good and it's been so long since he's eaten that he was able to relax a little. 

he wanted to believe that he was finally safe and warm, that he was able to be taken care of. but if his own parents could make him feel unsafe and unloved what could this mysterious man do for him. 

it didn't matter though because this man gave him a hot meal so he would submit to whatever he wanted for the night, it was only fair. even if it meant another severe beating. 

they pulled into the parking lot of a huge apartment building, of course a pro hero lived in a place like this. they made there way up 2 flights of stairs before they stopped outside a door with a plack with the name aizawa written across it in all caps. that must be the man's last name. 

"yamada, my husband should be sleeping so be as quiet as you can. there is a empty guest room at the end of the hall, i'll come and bring you a change of clothes and we can talk." he smiled down at me, "i don't need anything from you. thank you." i said bowing low, i didn't want to make him angry.

"nonsense.. you can't wear a wet school uniform to bed kid- sorry i know you asked me not to call you that.." the man placed a hand on my shoulder bringing me up from my bent position. 

i reluctantly nodded my head hanging off of each of his words. we entered the apartment, it wasn't as big as i expected, i living room, bathroom, kitchen, and for what he could see was 3 bedrooms. i wonder if they sleep alone.. 

a loud blond man came rushing into the living room where they now stood, "where have you been shouta? you were supposed to be home hours ago! i- oh! who do we have here?" 

i slid behind the man beside me, i didn't want to talk to this loud stranger. as the blond man stepped closer i gripped the black material of the hero standing in front of me. my hands shook as i squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the hit that was about to come.

to my surprise no such thing happened, he opened his eyes to see the hero's arm outstretched to stop the blond man from coming closer. "i don't actually know his name but he's staying here tonight, after we get him showered and changed we can figure out what's up okay? why don't you go get him a t-shirt and sweats honey and i'll show him to ste bathroom." the blond man who i assumed was yamada gave 'shouta' as he called him a quick peck and a smile before heading out to find the things of which he was requested.  

"you can let go now, he's gone it's just us again.." i quickly let go my face flushing crimson as i took a few steps backwards, tripping over my own feet and falling straight on my ass, which only made me even more embarrassed.

i wrapped my arms around my head protectively, awaiting my punishment. i felt a soft hesitant hand on my forearm, "are you alright?" i let go of my head and looked into the concerned eyes of the no crouched man in front of me. 

"im okay.. sorry for grabbing you, i-i didn't even realize i was doing it... i'm sorry sir.." he smiled a little bit before helping me stand, "shouta aizawa." he reached out his hand for me to shake.

"deku." i shook his hand quickly after giving him the name everyone has always called me, i knew it was a nickname but i wasn't going to give him any more information that could allow him to look into who i was.

"now why do i get the feeling that's not actually your name?" i took a step back defensively. "it's what i want you to call me." i lied, i could tell he knew i was lying but he chose not to say anything more about it.  i followed him to what i assumed was the bathroom. he explained where all of the soap was and how to turn the shower on and off before flashing him a smile. 

yamada handed shouta the clothes he requested without a word. he places the clothes of the counter, they both gave him a kind smile before exiting the room closing the door behind them. i quickly locked the door and sunk to the floor holding back a sob. he didn't deserve this kindness, he was just a deku, useless and worthless. 

i wiped my face clean of the falling tears before standing up and starting the shower. i peeled off my old school uniform, attempting not to stare at all the dried blood and bruises. he knew his ribs were broken, if he tried hard enough he could forget the pain for a while. 

after all his clothes were off he stepped over the side of the tub and into the stream of hot water. he hasn't taken a shower since school ended, schools been out for two months. he grabbed the bottle of body wash and began to scrub away 2 months worth of dirt and blood. the water that came off of him was so disgusting he had to stare at the ceiling and bite his lip to prevent himself from crying. 

once the water flowed clean he grabbed the shampoo and began to work on the huge mat of green curls on his head. the water came out just as dirty if not worse. he worked out all the tangles  before grabbing the bottle of conditioner. running his fingers through his clean hair was a feeling he could never be tired of. 

after he was done washing he sat on the warm ceramic flooring of the bathtub soaking in the comfort of the warm water. this was probably going to be his last shower for a while. i cursed silently when the water started to get cold. i guess it's time to get out and face them..

cold winter's nightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن