the adoption papers

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if i wanted to adopt izuku i needed his parents to sign over there rights, which shouldn't be hard considering how long he's been out of there lives. we could just leave his parents out of it and just keep him as it is but we don't need his parents having the option to take him legally without any warning. 

so that was how i ended up standing outside of izuku's old shitty apartment with the adoption papers in my hand and a social worker at my side. this was going to be quick, at least that's what he kept telling himself. it was going to take a lot to be civil with the people he knows are child abusers. 

he almost had to send yamada instead because he's known to be the calmer one between the both of them. the social worker knocked n the door 3 times before giving me a reassuring smile. i took a couple deep breaths before the door swung open.

"hah? what do you want?" s seemingly drunk man who he assumed was izuku's father slurred at them, his eyelids drooped with exhaustion. 

"Mr.Midoriya may we please come in we have many things to discuss."  the woman beside me showed him her badge making sure he read over her name and position before withdrawing her hand. 

"and who's this guy?" he poked a finger in my chest attempting to shove or intimidate me. neither of which worked because i deal with crooks and guys like him daily. i could have him on the ground unconscious before he could even raise a finger in attempt to stop me. 

"the man who's going to adopt your son. now can we please come inside." i growled flashing my eyes red for a second, i was the one who ended up intimidating him. 

"tch, you can have that ungrateful bastard for all i care, what ja need me to sign somethin?" as this man talked about izuku i only grew angrier. at him, at izuku's mom, at the neighbors, at myself and the rest of the heroes for failing such a sweet kid like izuku. 

"sir we actually need you to sign a lot of things, you and your wife. is she here?" mrs. kate the social worker was being so polite it was scary. she was the type of woman who was so nice and well behaved it scared the people around her, because you never know what their true intentions are because they can hide them so well. 

"inko get you ass out here and talk to this social worker! they want us to sign over izuku!" the man's breath smelt like alcohol and cigarettes. it's probably been years since he's brushed his teeth. 

a plump woman with the same green eyes and hair came walking up beside the man in front of me, i shifted my attention to her. she seemed healthy enough, no visible scars or bruising, she's obviously not starving and she doesn't have any eyebags. not very common for a woman who's being abused. the abuse must've stopped after izuku ran away. that bastard.

"we can either do this here or we can do this at the police station after i arrest you both for child abuse, and for the failure to report your child missing for two years. so that being said, may we come in?" i watched their eyes grow wide before they stand aside to allow us to enter there home.  

we made our way into the dining room where we sat at the kitchen table. there were no pictures of izuku on the walls, only pictures of his parents. them on their wedding day, there were so many of them on dates, some were just pictures of them relaxed at home. if you didn't already know that izuku was there son before entering you never would have guessed that they had children. 

"so what do we need to sign?" inko spoke up from her place beside her husband, they were clutching each others hands. at least there scared. 

mrs.kate set down a stack of papers in front of them, they were just basic 'hand over your rights' type of papers. they covered all of the basics, don't ever try to contact there son, they are not aloud to make any decisions for their son medically or academically, and then the ones were they gave all rights to shouta aizawa and yamada hizashi. 

they quickly signed everywhere they needed too not even bothering to read it all over before signing. it made him sick at the thought of how easily they gave the kid up without any regrets. 

"were free now.." inko mumbled after they signed the last paper. this caused me to stand up in disgust knocking my chair over behind me. 

"how could you say that? from the brief time that i have known izuku i have figured out that he is the most thoughtful, brave, strong, and amazing kid i have ever known. if you could have seen him the day i found him, he was huddled in the snow with a single moldy blanket wrapped around him. he didn't have any shoes on and he had 3 broken ribs. he was severely malnourished he hadn't eaten in days. he was still wearing his school uniform, school has been out for months. do you hear me months! he's been living on the streets alone for two years, since he was 12 years old. kids barely even know how to clean up after themselves at that age. you are supposed to be his parents! you're supposed to love and protect your child not throw them out like there trash for no reason. you did it because why? because he didn't have a quirk? quirks don't define us. thank you for signing the papers. now i hope you never see your son again."

i gathered the papers and stormed out of the building not even bothering to shut the door behind me or pick up my fallen chair. i pulled out my phone to call yamada, him and izuku were supposed to be shopping for new clothes and things to decorate his new room right now. 

i called him and he picked up after the first ring.

"hey honey how'd it go?" my husband's voice was probably the most soothing thing in the world, if i could hear one thing the moment before i die it would have to be his voice. 

"horribly they didn't even try and fight for him, or deny what they did."

"that doesn't sound so bad, at least there out of his life for good."

"i guess, anyways how's the shopping going? are you getting him everything he needs? let's make sure to pick him up a phone so he can contact his friends from school or something.."

"the shopping is going amazing. we're making sure to get him a size bigger than what he needs so when we can get him healthy again they will still fit, and we got 2 pairs of shoes for him, did you know his favorite color is red? maybe we can paint his bedroom walls so he feels more comfortable. and we already picked him up a phone and it has out numbers in it. were still at the mall if you would like to meet up with us.." 

"that's good honey, we can talk about the painting a little later just to make sure he likes red walls better than white. and i'm on my way to come meet up with you guys. maybe we can go out for lunch or something."

"izuku what would you like for lunch sweety? oh, well i guess, um shouta he wants you to choose. so just let us know when you get here see you in a minute love!"

"alright i love you bye."


i quickly shut off my phone before climbing into my car and making my way to the mall.

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