the hero

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"you don't get to say these things!"  i cluted my chest heaving in air as i screamed at the broken boy in front of me.

"you don't get to act like you were the one in pain!" i ripped off my shirt showing him my scars that were from him and from living on the streets. he needed to see what he's done to me, he needs to know. 

"every day! every goddamn day you-you would hurt me! you would make me so scared to even come to school, on the days i couldn't come you know where i was? i was on the streets probably bleeding to death because i was mugged and beat up the night before because i chose the wrong spot to huddle in a corner for a few hours of sleep. i didn't eat the days i didn't go to school.  so i had to bear it, even if it meant being tormented day in and day out! i needed school to survive katsuki! so don't you dare apologize after everything you've done! it's not fair!" it started to rain as i screamed and sobbed. 

the blond boy stared at my skinny ragged body, i was covered in scars from head to toe. there were less scars on my face but there still was one that i know will always stand out to kacchan, i had a jagged line that stretched under my eyes and over my nose. kacchan gave it to me and he knows it. but that's the only one he knows about. he never knew about the burn scars that are in the shapes of handprints all over my chest and shoulders. 

he's never seen the whipping scars on my back and chest from the night i stole food from the wrong restaurant. or each stab and cut scar from the countless times i've been mugged. every scar my parents have given me from there abuse. 

i couldn't blame kacchan for not knowing, he knew now and you could see it in his eyes. he mentally traced over each scar that was scrawled over my body. 

"so no, you didn't want me. you don't treat the ones you love the way you did. you didn't love me, and neither did my parents. you think the way you treated me bad, they were 10x worse. so don't come to me speaking that shit when you know and i know it is no where near what love is. i have never felt love, not from you, not from them, not anyone. so please leave me alone kacchan, i need to get out of here." 

i took off running leaving the shocked blond in my dust. tears streamed down my face as i thought over the words i just said to him. i told and showed him more than i have to anyone my whole life. i spilled my guts and i felt horrible about it. 

i leaned against the wall of an alley, and i threw up all the contents of my stomach. i pulled my shirt back over my head as i sunk to the ground still fighting back against the impending panic attack. i started to cry more when i remembered i left my school uniform where the sludge villain was. now all i had was this thin t-shirt and sweatpants. which were already soaked through because of the now thundering rain storm.

"hey kid! wanna have some fun?" i snapped my head to where a group of men was coming at me, they were all catcalling, they were even  whooping and hollering as they walked closer. 

"no, please leave me alone." i quickly stood up preparing myself for what was about to happen.  they walked closer circling themselves around me. they pushed me around in the circle making vulgar comments about my body. some even tried to put there hands under my clothes.

"please! someone help! anybody! help me!" i screamed as they pinned me to the ground, "no! help!" i screamed until my throat was raw. 

i was almost convinced no one was coming t help when a tall tired looking figure appeared at the opening of the alley, a equally tall bubbley blond right behind him. 

"please help me.." i begged as they rid me of my clothes. i watched shouta's eyes glow red as he descended upon my attackers. shouta and yamada fought them off as i pulled my wet torn pants back on scrambling away, attempting to get myself as far away from the situation as i could. 

"yamada help izuku he's going into shock, calm him down before he passes out, i'm all good here." shouta's voice yelled over the grunts and yells of the fight. 

yamada carefully made his way over to me, i was looking all over the alley trying to distract myself for how fast i was breathing. my throat was closing, every breath i sucked in felt like fire burning my lungs. my head throbbed from being slammed into the concrete. 

"oh my god.. oh my god.. i'm so sorry.. oh god.. why does this always happen to me.. i'm so sorry shouta.. i didn't mean to put him in danger.. oh god.. he's going to hate me just like everyone else.." i pulled on my hair as if i was trying to forcefully rid myself of these thoughts.. 

"izuku! hey can you hear me? are you alright? hey listen to the sound of my voice and we can focus on your breathing okay? breath in.. breath out.." i calmly listened to his instructions clenching my fists so hard i could feel blood blossom from where my nails broke the skin. 

i was able to control my breathing as i laid my head in yamada's lap allowing him to run his hands through my hair as he continued to give me breathing instructions. shouta must've arrested my attackers because he came over and pulled me into a hug.

"we saw you on the tv kid. you saved that boy, we knew where you were so we had to come get you.. you didn't eat before you left did you? come on let's go get you some food. you must be starving." he lifted me up with one arm around my back and the other under my legs. 

"why did you come?" i croaked out gripping his scarf, he was so warm. he made me want to forget and open my heart to them. 

"i wasn't going to allow you to sleep on the streets again.. i actually spoke to yamada about it and we want to adopt you so you never have to be alone again. it's only if you want us too.. you'll have a room of your own, food on the table.. new clothes, and people who care about you.. we want you to live with us izuku.." my heart swelled with every word. tears flowed from my eyes, "yes please.. i would love that.." 

"yamada call the police and tell them where i tied up those villains. then we can take izuku home, he said he wants to stay with us." yamada happily smiled at shoutas words before pulling out his phone and dialing who i assume is the police. 

 after he put his phone away we made our way back to the car, and then to the apartment. 

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