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Adrien took a step closer to Kagami as he tightly hugged her waist. It had been two months since he announced the rumors were in-fact true and he had been the happiest he could've been, or so he thought.

Kagami sent an awkward smile his way before kissing his lips, with no hesitation. She felt her stomach flip as the butterflies once again appeared, on the other hand, Adrien felt nothing.

Because he had never been in a relationship, he thought this was normal. Yet he still wondered if it was right.

There were two people that could make his stomach churn, and the hairs in his arms lift with once simple glance, but neither were meant to be. Ladybug didn't see him as anything other than her partner, and Marinette was awkward, and just a friend.

Kagami knew Marinette liked Adrien, and although she made many attempts, she never could get him to stop taking to her. She was frustrated to say the least, she knew Marinette had always been just a friend but something told her that deep down, he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

Adrien pulled away and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck before grabbing Kagami's hand with hesitation. He pulled her over to Andre's ice cream, and ordered one.

As soon as he set eyes on the couple, Andre frowned, he knew they weren't meant to be. It just didn't work. Adrien needed to be free, he needed someone to help him relax. He needed someone who tried to understand him, someone who would comfort him when things got rough at home.

Kagami tried, but it was useless. Kagami was too different yet too similar, she couldn't comfort him, instead, she made him feel worse every time. Andre gave them both their ice cream with a stiff smile, making Adrien slightly frown.

Adrien heard a giggle behind them, not too far way. He turned his head to see Marinette and Luka heading their way. Marinette lightly punched Lukas arm as she threw her head back and laughed.

Adrien's gaze softened at the sight of her, making Kagami fume. Kagami angrily grabbed Adrien's chin and pulled him down to meet his lips with hers. The kiss was rough and unnecessarily extravagant. She wanted Marinette to see it, she wanted her to know Adrien's heart belonged to her.

Luka frowned at Kagami's actions and scowled when he saw Marinette's blue expression. The musician laced his fingers with the bluenette before loudly clearing his throat.

Adrien was stiff, his hands by his side and eyes wide. He never did respond to the kiss. Kagami pulled away with the fakest smile before hugging Adrien's waist and whispering, "I love you"

Marinette's eyes widened as did Adrien's, the model smiled before turning to his friend. "Hi Marinette" he smiled and lightly pushed Kagami away from him. "Luka." he nodded his head in acknowledgement.

The musician smirked before placing his hand behind Marinette's waist and asking Andre for an ice cream.

Andre frowned again, why did love have to be so complicated? He always found pairing the sweet couples easy, yet this one seemed impossible. He noticed how the blunette and the model looked at each other, they wanted each other but neither of them did anything.

"Thank you" Marinette said with a small grin as she took the ice cream from Andre's hands. Luka handed him some money before facing the other couple. "Are you guys here on a date?" Marinette asked, refusing to meet Adrien's eyes.

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