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"He's not picking up" Marinette groans before throwing her phone onto her bed. She places her head between her hands and squeezes her eyes shut. It's been an hour, an hour since they fought.

This had been their first fight, and it had been a big one. But how could it not? It was after Luka and Kagami.

The couple had been out on a date when they had seen Luka hanging out with Chloe, Marinette had done nothing wrong, in fact, she had only smiled. She was happy her friend had finally found someone that made him just as happy as Adrien did to her.

But Adrien didn't see it that way. In his eyes she smiled because she remembered their loving memories and missed them. He thought she loved him too, and instead of saying anything, he kept quiet.

Things went overboard when Adrien decided it was time to introduce her to his father, despite her pleas he took her over to his house. Perhaps Adrien expected a lot more, acceptance maybe?

He got the opposite.

His father judged every inch of Marinette. The shaking bluenette had looked down to stop her tears from showing, which only caused Gabriel to laugh. Marinette kept taking in every word her idol said and made them real. If she believed his judgment she would act upon it.

Adrien had tried to stop him and comfort his girlfriend. He asked Natalie to help him but it was to no avail, because Gabriel continued and when he finally had nothing else to judge, he did the worst thing he could possibly ever do.

He compared.

He compared the crying bluenette to Kagami, told her how much better Adrien's previous girlfriend was and how disappointing she was.

Gabriel went on and on until the fragile designer couldn't take it anymore. He had watched as she let out a loud sob and ran out his door with a smirk. He had obviously been pleased with his actions, something that couldn't anger Adrien more.

Marinette had walked back to her house sobbing, as the words that Gabriel said just kept repeating. By the time she reached her house her tears were no more, but it still hurt.

Adrien went after her as soon as he could and ran to her door. He, too, felt horrible. He had known she didn't want it. That she wasn't ready, but he had pushed and pushed and pushed. And now there he had been, disappointed in his father, in himself, and about to not only comfort but fight with his sad girlfriend.

When the couple finally saw each other things just went down hill, Marinette kept saying she couldn't do this with Adrien because of his father, she told him how tired she was of being compared to everyone.

And Adrien...

Adrien finally let it all out, he blamed Marinette for making him feel inferior every time she looked at Luka, for making him feel like he wasn't enough and never would be. He pretended he was the victim although he knew he had been wrong. The fight left both Adrien and Marinette exhausted.

It wasn't long before Adrien stormed out of Marinette's home and left her feeling helpless and worried.

And now, after Marinette calmed down, she found herself missing him. She wanted to apologize, not because of his father or her decisions. But because of how she made him feel.

She knew what it felt like after all, to be compared and feel insufficient. She constantly compared herself to her alter ego and Kagami, and although she knew Adrien loved her, she also knew he could do much better.

She hated the fact that Adrien compared himself to Luka, that he felt inferior to him. Luka was no threat, but she understood where he came from. Had she seen Kagami around him, she'd be insecure too.

She understood Adrien's father had nothing to do with the way his son felt. Which is why she decided she would fight for Adrien. She didn't need to prove herself to Gabriel, but she would for Adrien.

If only he answered his phone.


A short chapter, I feel like I should give y'all a heads up. This is adrienette but it's mostly about marinette and her growth. I want her to love herself. That's it.

Also a very big apology.
I know I haven't updated this in a while, I've been trying to focus on my school since I just started college.
And I'm also writing "The fallen", which I really want to finish and for it to be a success.

Thank you and I love you all<3


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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