Night 1: Unconscious hyperactivity

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Night 1: Unconscious hyperactivity

We ran back home, as fast as our legs could move us; the dark was chasing us, drawing nearer and nearer by the second.

Run... Run... Run...

It will be all right. It's fine. We're nearly home now. Don't panic. Everything will be okay. It's just your brain. It's normal to be scared of the dark. There's nothing there. Stop being so afraid. Stop it. What is there to worry about? Stop being stupid. Nothing can harm you and you know it. Stop.

I can't. I just can't. I'm scared. I don't want it to get me. I'm sorry.

We kept running, however. The dark was chasing after us and we didn't want to be caught. The dark scares us more than anything we know to exist in this world.

Eventually, we arrived home. We stroked the door in the pitch black, feeling around for the door handle. *Click* The door opened, making way to the dark corridor inside the house. We closed the door behind us and flicked on the light switch on the wall to the right.

We wiped our feet on the doormat and pulled our shoes off from our feet, putting them in the shoe-box, one by one. Walking further into the house there was a low-pitched grumbling to the right at the end of the corridor. Somewhat frightened by this, we slowly walked up the stairs on the left, passing several framed photos of 3 shadowy black figures, it was to tell in the light, but we could recognise ourself in them, the smallest figure in the middle for the majority of them.

We strode to the room furthest from the stairs, there was a sign on it that was barely readable in the moonlight: it read our name. Entering the room and turning on the lights was like walking through heaven's gates; the pink and white all around brings us joy.

We were home once again.

Without any thought, we changed into our pyjamas: they were violet and white, with stars speckled all over. Our pyjamas were different from our day clothes, as were for our room. We then took off our round glasses.

Turning off the lights revealed a star pattern through the curtains, they must have been designed cleverly to be able to do that! Turning off the lights also washed the room in a looming violet colour, which grew more aggressively purple as we slept, in replacement of the girly pink, most likely due to the dark of the night. We scurried into bed, speedily, and fell into our pillow, gaining the sense of falling through it; we were starting to feel dizzy.

Assortments of colours and shapes flew past my eyes immensely, then, suddenly, abruptly, at once, next, after, a great blur invaded my self-awareness.

I was falling, falling slowly, falling quickly, far from the park. Was I falling, was I flying? Where was I going? Despite falling upwards, I had landed on a road, a road which forever went on in one direction, and came to a halt in the other. Why had it come to a halt? Why had there been an infinitely descending abyss below me? Without the ability to resist, I had been pushed forward, by myself, into the great nothingness.

None of this made sense, what little sense of it there had been immediately followed by bizarre occurrences. I was falling, everything had warped. I was now looking at indescribable abstractness; I could understand this, I could grasp the concept behind this, I know what this is I am seeing, yet I am unable to put it into words.

I flew through the 'thing' as though it weren't even there, yet still feeling it as I went through it. Everything felt so fast and so slow simultaneously. Loud and quiet whirring echoed. Then there was darkness, coming for me, approaching for me, out for me, going to get me. Jen had reached for my hand, I was glad. I didn't let go of her, yet she was gone, along with her hand that I was holding. There was a blurry green, and then, oranges, but they were green.

Purple invaded, my veins were a deep purple, I was unhappy and wanted to cry. Purple. I looked for help, yet the only thing I could reach was the tree, the one on the hill in the field.

I touched the tree and it fell, far beneath my feet. Falling. A mountain then appeared before me; I was to climb it and climb it I did. I climbed, but there wasn't anything to hold onto, so I fell. Then my friends were trying to grab me, all 3 of them: this prevented me from falling further.

Something wasn't right about them, my friends I mean; they all looked different from how I usually saw them, yet I was unable to pinpoint what. Everything suddenly disappeared and I reached one arm into the sky, downwards.

Then... *THUD!* I had fallen from a great height and.

Good morning.

Dazed, we pushed ourself up into a sitting position on our bed. We applied the glasses to our face and blinked several times to adjust our eyes. We then scouted our eyes around the room to notice our favourite toy pony had fallen from the top of our desk, onto the floor below.

Hurling ourself from our bed and onto the floor, with immense velocity, we made our way to the toy; we placed it back where it was supposed to be. 'What time was it?' we thought to ourself, waddling over to the clock. We squinted to check the time; the hands read 07:06 A.M.

We then tip-toed back to the desk, where the curtains were, and opened them to make way for sunlight. The room, now, filled with bright pink and white, ridding itself from the purple and grey.

Looking through the curtains, we saw a person outside waving; it was Sammy, and they too, were in pyjamas. But why in pyjamas outside? They knocked on the door, so we put our white unicorn slippers on and run downstairs to the door. We unlocked the door and then opened it, revealing Sam's smiley face.

"HI!" They bellowed. "Shhh! It's only 7 o'clock!" We warned. "Oh sorry." They said, still keeping that smile. "It's fine. What did you want to say?" We asked.

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