Day 2: Wondrous Adventure in the forest

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Today was a special day.

Sammy's face lit up, ready to burst their bubble of exciting news. "Well... I've asked all the rest of the Chaotic Clique already, and they're already there." Cutting into Sam's sentence, we blurted "Already where?" It took us a second to process our rudeness. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken over you, what were you saying?"

"It's alright! It's fine! Don't worry about it!" They grinned reassuringly "Anyways, I've asked them all if they want to go camping in the forest. I was wondering if you would like to come." We didn't require any convincing whatsoever, we were going; it sounded utmost exciting.

"It's forecast to rain tonight so we can have a campfire! It's going to be so much fun!" We shared the sheer amount of excitement that Sam was feeling, this was going to be amazing, especially if we were going to be sharing a tent with Jen!

"Do I need to bring any snacks with me or anything? I mean how long are we going to be staying there?" We asked. Assuming Hugo is going to be cooking, then it's best if some snacks and desserts were brought along too. "Well... you don't need to bring any snacks, after all, we already have some back at the tents, but they might be gone by the time we get back soooo..." It was obvious, Sam wanted food, we don't blame them, however; we were so hungry we could eat a whole whale right now.

"I'll be back with snacks!" We shouted, suddenly, leaving Sam unattended in an instant. We shot down the corridor to the right of the front door, only then, to be greeted with the same low grumbling from last night; this time, it had sounded to be raspier, and louder. The noise was coming from the living room to the right side of the corridor, opposite the kitchen, where all the snacks would be.

We grabbed and turned the loose and dusty doorknob to push it open, it squeaked quietly, slowly moving away from the frame. This revealed the kitchen: large and rectangular, with greyed-out black and white chequered tiles, a small round wooden table with 4 chairs surrounding it (one of them had a broken leg and was on the floor), a workspace to the left with cabinets and cupboards, and an oven, fridge, freezer, and sink.

It was rarely we ever came into this room, unless it was for food: in which case, we come in here a lot. The fridge is usually empty within a week or so, father restocks it whenever he can, he leaves sticky notes on the fridge, saying things like: "Can you pigs stop eating us out of this house?" and "If you want to eat so much then go earn yourself some money!" and typically other things along those lines.

One time, father got so mad he put chains and a lock around the fridge, so then I just went to eat from the cupboards instead; that's where the crisps were.

We dragged our unicorn slippers across the dusty floor and started rummaging through the cupboards: some cupboard doors were almost hanging from their hinges, some cupboards were empty, and one cupboard we had opened had launched a bowl in our face.

Though we weren't that hurt, the bowl most certainly was, it was broken into pieces on the floor, and had done so with a loud smash; this caused another frightening grumble to come from the room across the corridor. This, alarming us, made us try to find food at a quicker rate. We knew they were here, we had seen them prior to today.

All the cupboards were now in a semi-opened state of position; nothing worth snacking on was to be found in there. Instead, we decided to look in the fridge and hope for the best. It took a surprisingly great amount of strength to pull open the fridge door, it then opened with a really loud, reverse, suction-like noise. This made way to look inside and see what food we had available.

We could count various, yet limited, things, most notably: chocolate bars, bon-bons and jellybeans; there wasn't much else there. We left the fridge, taking all that we could and dumping it all onto the table, a bag would be ideal.\ We left the food in the kitchen and went to the front door back to Sam, who was now sat on the floor playing with a beautifully green, black, and red, caterpillar.

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