Day 5: Can I tell you a secret?

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Today was a special day.

Today was the day that I and my friends had arranged to go to the park. We planned to go on the swings, the slide, the roundabout, and play tag! We were even going to...

*Click!* The door unlocked, followed by a wavering creak. "Okay, all done! We can explore my garden together, now!" Cheerily announced Jen. She wore a very excitable expression on her face; her eyebrows were higher than ever before. With granted permission, we finally walked over to the small and squeaky, gate up to the entrance of her garden. We let her grasp our hand and walk us in.

She planted her free hand up against the vine-riddled gate and gently sent it forward. She led us into the garden; it was beautiful. Bushes swayed ever-slightly, vines and roots across the ground slithered and made way as we walked across a beautiful, brown and grey, pebble path; there were countless flowers, small and big, peering out through the grooves between the stones, most of which engulfed by spots of moss.

"These are my lilacs! Aren't they so pretty? These purple ones are beautiful, right here." Jen blabbered on with excitement. She was fondling the petals of a single lilac to a bigger set of purple lilacs in the collection. We stepped closer to take a gaze at them. "So pretty..."

"You're not even looking at the flowers," Pointed out, Jen.
"Oh, right. Aha"

Jen quickly scanned the garden, darting her eyes back and forth. She let go of the lilac in her hand and hopped in front of us with excitement. "I know what you'll like! Come over here!" Jen yelled, barely standing three meters from us. She skipped past a few bushes, beautifully humming a theme we didn't recognise. She brought us to a tree with low-hanging, thick branches and cernuous vines with an obvious abundance of fuzzy, yellow and black insects, populating layers of yellow-brown honeycomb that they were all so intent on building. "My gosh, they're lovely!" we gasped, admiring the bees being busy at work.

One of the bees came from the crowd and hovered in the air next to Jen. "This one is called Beamy, she's a worker bee!" She held out her hand and let the little bee, Beamy, fall into her palm as she lifted it up close to our face. Its fur shone sharply in the sun, its wings reflecting a bright white, and even its tiny, beady, black eyes glowed. "Hello, Beamy!" We greeted the little bee. It did a sort of dance to us back, nodding but with its whole body, like it was doing a push-up! "Hehe, that's how she greets her friends! Let me put you over here, honey."

Another bee came, it was proportionally larger; its whole head was engulfed in its own eyes, how possibly could it function like that? Jen craned her head closer to the bee and chuckled. "This one is called Bobbie! He's a drone bee!" -Jen changed her voice to a higher-pitched, more endearing one- "and. He. Is. Just. Adorableeeee!" Jen tried to stroke Bobbie but just as she moved in her arm, he flew away and onto our shoulder. "I think Bobbie likes you! Look at him, AHAH!" She directed her finger toward the top of our head... hold on!? "Is it in our hair!? Jen, is it!?" We yelped. She laughed, almost letting go of Beamy. We laughed too; it was contagious.

"Oh, it's time, I think! I had better grab my things. I wish I could have shown you more of my garden. Oh well, another time maybe." Jen gently sent off Beamy back to the hive and started walking back to the gate, gesturing for us to follow. "Time for what? Where are you going?" We asked, hasty with our steps to catch up. "Don't be silly, going to meet up with the Chaotic Clique, of course!" We felt an eyebrow raise, and the other lower tensely. Our vision becoming more and more narrowed by the shutting of our eyelids 'How come I wasn't invited?' No, that would be rude. 'You're doing something without me? Is it that you don't care about me?' Is that too harsh? That for sure feels like I'm- "How come you don't care about me?"

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