A Seventy-Five to Life

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" Nile... is this really the restaurant that we're eating at?"

" Yeah, why? Is something wrong with it?" asked the curly haired boy

" No... no, there's no problem... it's just that... it looks..."

Fancy... Nile had taken me to a fancy restaurant on our first date...

' Setsuna, you bitch!'

Here I was wearing a hoodie and some jeans, about to walk and eat in a white marbled restaurant.

The place seemed to have a French theme, shown by the French art and imagery that lined the walls of the reasturant. Nile was wearing practically the same outfit as me, however, his outfit at least looked expensive, especially with all that jewelry that he was wearing. So although we looked alike... compared to him, I looked like a bum...

This was some bullshit! He should have told me where we were eating!

" Come on, we already have a reservation!" exclaimed Nile as he grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me along into the fine dining establishment

I wanted to wrestle out of his grasp, and drag him somewhere more my style, like a Waffle House or something, but when he mentioned a reservation... I didn't have the heart to.

Upon entering, we were greeted with the luxurious interior. Marbled floors and pillars littered the structure, chandeliers and candelabras hung from the ceiling and lined the tables for the patrons, and a violinist played his instrument on a stage in the corner of the room...

This place... was fucking fancy...

And I was way out of my comfort zone.

However, before I could voice my concerns with Nile, the golden eyed boy was already speaking to the greeter.

" Table for two, under Nile Tatsuma."

The greeter seemed to be a man in his... mid to late forties, with slightly graying hair and a bushy moustache.

Without saying as much as a word to my date, the greeter guided us to our table, the entire time, Nile and I got looks from the other customers, not in a mean spirited kind of way, but more of a, "What are these kids doing here?" Kind of way... which sounds mean now that I say it out loud.

As Nile and I took our seats, the greeter handed us some menus before saying something in French that Nile somehow understood. The guy said one last thing to me in Japanese, but I totally didn't register it, due to my brain comprehending that Nile could speak another language. As the man walked away, I just had to bring it up.

" Sooo... French?" I asked, mentally slapping myself at my own stupidity

However, Nile seemed to find the response funny, since he chuckled lightly.

" Yeah, I was taught a few languages back in the..."

He froze.

" Back when I was a kid." He mumbled

This was a good chance to get to know him better, so I pressed on the topic.

" Really? Like what?" I asked, trying to steer around the Yakuza topic, until he was ready to address it himself

He seemed to appreciate the gesture, he flashed that blinding smile at me once again.

" Well, besides French, I know some English, a little bit of Russian, a wee bit of Latin, and some Korean, but that's about it." he said, his eyes avoiding contact with mine

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