You need to go!

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Once we exited the room we made a break for the stairs that let us into the main house, however as we ran, we had two people waiting for us. Kendo Rappa and Hekiji Tengai. We both froze. I didn't expect to meet them so fast, but I knew something that the other didn't.

" I'm sorry young one, but we are going to have to ask you and the project to come with us." said Tengai

" Sorry, but WE aren't going anywhere." I said as I readied my Graphene blade and Eri held tightly onto my other arm with two hands.

The air was tense and quiet, neither one of us made a move. Nothing could be heard except the laboured breaths of Eri, who was panicking. That was until Rappa quickly swung his fist at Tengai, slamming it into his face and with the momentum provided, Tengai was sent flying into the wall with a sickening crack, creating a crater in the concrete wall.

" Thanks Rappa." I said as I let out an inaudible sigh

" No problem Kid, now let's get you out of here." said Rappa as he escorted us out of the room

I wanted to check if Tengai was ok, afterall Rappa's fist can easily kill a man, but I needed to get Eri out of here. As we continued our run down the hallway, we had Rappa give the excuse that he was escorting us out of the building to any of the low level thugs that passed us by and fought the ones who were suspicious. We were almost out, we were almost free, that was until we ran into some trouble.

When we were about to leave we were stopped by Rikiya Katsukame. The biggest mother fucker in The Eight Bullets, whose strength easily surpassed Rappa's. Along with his authority.

" Hey Kastukame, how've you been?" asked Rappa as we approached him

" What do you think you're doing Rappa?" asked Katsukame

I began to sweat.

' If we fight him here not only would Rappa die, but me and Eri will be captured by him, his quirk isn't something to laugh at, his quirk's called Vitality stealing which steals our stamina with just a touch from his hand which in turn gives him a boost in strength. This bastard could kill us all if he really wanted to.

" I'm just getting the kids out of the base, under the boss's orders." replied Rappa

" Then why was I informed that Setsuno and Tabe were getting them?" asked Katsukame

" He already know why, he's just trying to stall us" I whispered to Rappa

" Then there's no need to hide?" asked Rappa

" Can I go wild?" he asked

" Yeah and don't you dare hold back Rappa!" I said

With that Rappa let out a shaky sigh... of excitement. He started to walk up to Katsukame.

" Well Katsukame the reason why you didn't know I'd be getting them is beca-"

Rappa quickly sent a flurry of punches at Katsukame which all landed directly in the face sending him into a wall.

" RUN NOW, THAT WON'T STOP HIM!" he yelled

As soon as he said that Katsukame rushed out of the rubble, landing a massive blow directly on Rappa's side as he was sent flying into a wall.

" Eri, RUN!" I shouted

Eri didn't have time to move before I was sent flying into the same wall as Rappa, the blow shook my brain, making my vision blurry as I coughed up blood. I could hear Eri crying as she was now running towards me.

' No! Don't come here! Please RUN!' I thought to myself

" NO, COME ON GET UP! GET UP! WE HAVE TO GO!" she screamed as she tried to lift me up.

"Eri, you need to get out of here now!" I said to her.

But before she could leave she was grabbed by Katsukame.

" You're not going anywhere brat!" he shouted

" Let go of her." I said quietly

" What was that?" asked Katsukame

" I said LET GO OF HER!" I shouted as I rushed towards Katsukame with my hands outstretched.

At this time my body was fully repaired due to me using my quirk, Overhaul. Katsukame quickly dodged, but barely, like I thought he would and I quickly pulled my knife out of my sleeve to cover that extra reach and stabbed it into his gut, with him letting go of Eri who quickly ran towards Rappa. Katukame swung at me so I had to quickly duck and jump out of the way towards the other two.

" Eri I need you to run up the stairs, there shouldn't be anybody in the house right now, and the heroes should be outside at this time. Tell them to come down here and help me ok?" I asked softly as one of my hands made its way towards Rappa, quickly destroying him, and the other on my face destroying me only to reform into one entity with my consciousness. My arms were more muscular, however I grew two more from my back, my black hair was longer, my skin held the same milk chocolate pigment, however it was now covered in black lines signifying the fusion of two bodies. And the black lines on my face brought out the shine of my gold eyes.

" But I can't leave you two!" she cried

" It'll be fine." I said with a much deeper and huskier voice, I quickly turned around and faced her.

" Because I'm here, and I made a promise that once we get out of here, we'll live the life that we deserve."

" Now hurry up and get the heroes, I promise I'll be okay." I said as I rushed to Katsukame activating Rappa's quirk, Strongarm. And landing multiple punches on his most vital spots. Which in turn made him cough up some blood out of his broken plague mask.

Katsukame was now kneeling before me, trying to recover.

" GO NOW!" I yell as Eri rushes up the stairs and away from the fight.

" Good now, she doesn't have to watch this bloodbath." I say out loud as Katsukame slowly rises.

I never liked killing with my quirk unless it was for a cause or if it was absolutely necessary, as in there would be no way I could win the fight I was in. The reason why I didn't just Katsukame right then is, because the heroes were coming and... there's no way I could lose.

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