The two meet

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Here's another jam, courtesy of me... these slap ngl. Just wait for a sec for the chorus to play, then comes the good vibes. BTW sorry that this is a shorter chapter, I'm gonna post another one after this!


A week has passed since I received the acceptance letter. It was Tuesday my first day of Highschool, my first step to becoming a hero. I woke up in the morning to the sound of someone running around the house, my door flying open, and the feeling of an eight year old jumping and landing on my stomach.

" Time to get up Nii-chan!" cried Eri

It felt as if my soul was leaving my body, due to her left knee landing directly on my... nether regions.

" I'm up Eri... I'm getting up..." I squeaked at a higher pitch than normal

Eri then began to laugh at my pain as she ran out the room, her feet smacking against the wooden floor with each step. Once she left, I closed my door to brush my teeth and put on the U.A uniform. I didn't really like how it looked on me. The light grey didn't look great when compared to my skin or my eyes. I decided to put a red jacket in my backpack so that I could change later. Before I left the room, I grabbed my necklace and a black face mask just to be somewhat unique, but I had a feeling that I'm not the only one in class who's going to have a mask on. I quickly brushed my curly hair and excited my room to be greeted by my mom making breakfast.

" Good morning Nile, are you ready for today?" she chirped

" Good morning Mom, and I hope so." I said as I made my way to the kitchen to give her a hug. By this time Eri exited her room in her elementary school uniform. Her smile made my eyes squint due to how bright it was.

' Jesus christ, if she didn't just literally exorcise me a few minutes ago she'd be so precious.' I thought to myself

" Good morning Nii-chan!" she exclaimed

" Good morning Eri, how'd you sleep?" I asked

" Good." she said in a sing song voice

" That's good, well I'll see you both when I come home." I said as I made my way to the door

" You're not going to eat breakfast?" asked Mom

" Sorry! I wanted to leave early to grab coffee with Rumi. And since our house is kind of far from U.A this is the best time to leave." I said as I opened the door

Mom and Eri seemed kind of disappointed at this.

" How about this, I'll invite some of the friends I make over for dinner sometime this week for you guys to meet." I suggested

This seemed to brighten up their mood, especially Eri's because she loved meeting new people.

" Ok then." Eri said excitedly

" Alright then, we don't want to hold you up. Have a nice day at school Nile. Love you!" said Mom

" Ok, will do. Bye mom, Bye Eri! Love you guys too!" I shouted as I exited out the door and made my way to the train station.



As I found my way to class 1-A, I felt a mix of emotions. Happiness at the fact that I'm standing outside the door of the best heroics course in U.A which in turn is the best hero school in Japan, curiosity on why the door was so big, determination to do my best in the class and hopefully help All Might, and fear at the thought of Kaachan and that Tatsuma kid being in this class. As I opened the door I was greeted by Kaachan and the blue haired kid from the entrance exams arguing with each other. The blue haired kid told Kaachan to take his feet off the desk which later escalated to threats from Kaachan telling the blue haired kid that he was going to crush him beneath his heel. That's when they both noticed me.

" Deku?" shouted Kaachan

The blue haired boy who introduced himself to Kaachan as Tenya Iida noticed me and made his way towards my direction.

" Hello! My name is Tenya I-"

I cut him off there.

" I-I know, I'm I-Izuku M-Midoriya. It's nice to M-meet you." I said

This guy was intense.

" It's nice to meet you Midoriya, I see that you realized there was another point system in the exam. I have to admit, you seem to be the better student between the two of us." said Iida as his body physically shook

" I-I'm s-sorry, b-bu-"

I guess it was my turn to be cut off, as a brunette girl came from behind me and tackled me into a hug.

" You're the boy that saved me!" she exclaimed

" Oh you're the girl from the exam." I said as I backed up a little

" Yeah! I'm glad you remembered, the way you took down the 0 pinter was amazing!" she shouted as she swung her fist in the air.

Everybody looked on in amazement. Probably wondering how somebody like me was able to take down the giant robot.

" So you took down the 0 pointer too?" asked a Pink skinned girl

" U-uh yeah, wait did somebody else take one down?" I asked curiously,

'Who has enough power to do that?'

" More like he totally obliterated the poor thing, but I guess your phrasing works too." said a new feminine voice.

I turned around to be met with two kids one was a girl with tanned skin , red eyes and two snow white bunny ears that matched her hair, she was shorter than me, while the other was a boy with the same shade of skin tone with dark curly hair, piercing golden eyes and was about 4" taller than me and about an inch shorter then Iida. Everybody looked their way and the room grew quiet. There stood the kid from the entrance exam that called out Iida. The arrogant guy that said he'd be the best in the class. He actually got in.

" Oh? I see you got in. It's nice to meet you. I'm Tenya Iida, I would like to apologize for my behaviour during the exams." said Iida

" It's no problem. I just didn't like how rude you were, but if you're sorry then no harm done." replied the golden eyed kid.

The room was still eerily quiet, even Kaachan who would have blown up at this kid during the exam was silent.

" This is my friend Rumi Usagiyama." said the boy as he introduced the rabbit girl

Usagiyama gave a quick grin as she waved to us.

" And I'm..." he paused as a grin made its way on his face

" Nile Tatsuma, your first year class representative."

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