To Overcome Fear...

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The following week was not easy for me.

Night after night I'd wake up in a panic, as the nightmares I've been having grew more frequent... and in turn more sinister. One night I'd be drowning in that cement room again, the next night I'd witness my family being torn apart by Nomus, after that I was forced to watch as Overhaul killed my friends as they begged for me to help... the latest one however, had to be the worst of them all...

I laid there in an empty room as it filled with water. The voices of those I've killed screamed at me, whispered to me, and tried to seduce me to join them. To close my eyes and let the murky liquid embrace me. From outside the steel door, feminine screaming could be heard. The sound of drills and saws pierced the air and violated my eardrums as someone in the corner of the room laughed on at my torture. Her opal colored eyes watched on in contempt as I tore my body apart over and over with my own quirk.

... Needless to say, these had an effect on me.

I remembered waking up that morning shaking worse than usual. I didn't understand why these dreams kept coming, nor did I want to know; I just wanted them to stop....

Now it's Wednesday, it's been about five days since the incident at the diner... and learning about some of my Mother's past. Something a normal child would have been happy about, but sadly... I'm not normal.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

The Hero Internships were nearly over with only two days left before I go home. My training with Edgeshot and Kamui woods were my only distraction when it came to the nightmares I've been having.

The nightmares and... my recent fight with Rumi.

*Flash Back*

As I finished my training with Edge for the day, and I entered my room to get ready for the patrol coming afterward... I couldn't help but feel anxious. I had to talk to Rumi about what happened between her Mother and I, but I haven't built up the nerve to tell her yet. My own cowardice prevented me from even touching my phone since Friday.

... Yet that didn't stop her.

As soon as I began to put on my costume, I saw my phone screen light up on my bed. The bright blue light it produced was then followed by the chime of the electronic bell; letting me know that I received a notification.

My heart dropped at the sound, and my stomach seemed to come alive upon seeing it.

I slowly made my way towards the bed, silently dreading what it might be...

And when I opened it, That feeling doubled as I realized I got a text from Rumi... With one simple message.

Rumi: We need to talk. Now.

' Toru must've told her.' I silently thought to myself

I didn't blame the invisible girl for telling Rumi about what happened, in fact I sort of expected it. Maybe that's what I've been waiting for...

I quickly dialed up the rabbit girl's number with my free hand as I began to comb my fingers through my hair with the other one wearily. The exhaustion of working so hard lately has been taking its toll on me, resulting in me having to power through most of my days with an unhealthy amount of energy drinks, and coffee. I used pretty much anything to keep me awake and working since my own ambitions didn't give me the luxury of sleep.

I can't afford to fail...

My phone rang a few times, and I began to question what could be taking so long.

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