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Hopper's POV

Joyce is spending the day with Lori and Karen today, so I'm taking Elliot out into town. He needs a new pair of shoes and a coat for school, as he seems to have had a growth spurt.

"Elliot!" Come on! Get in the car!" I shout into the house.
"Coming!" He calls back running out to meet me.

We both get in the car, put our seatbelts on, and I start to drive. Elliot is kind of quiet until he takes a sip out of his water bottle and manages to make a huge noise in the process.

"You've probably just made the most simple thing to do, so hard" I laugh
"I think I need a new water bottle as well. Mine sound funny when I drink out of it" he tells me.
"Yeah, I just heard that, little man. There's also another shop I need to go to, so I was thinking we could actually get all of the stuff that you need, in a bigger shop out of town?l
"I'm cool with that. Will it be at a mall?" He asks
"Yeah it will" I reply
"Yessssss! Can we get ice cream?"
"We'll see about that"


We finally get to the mall I was looking for, as I know this is the only one in Indiana with the particular store that I need.
After getting all of Elliot's new stuff from multiple different stores, we sit down and have an ice cream like he requested.

"Yes" he looks up at me with his face covered in chocolate ice cream.
"Do you know what a proposal is?"
"Isn't it that thing that I saw on a movie mommy was watching. Where someone asks someone else if they want to have a wedding"
"Yeah, exactly, that's right"
"Why are you asking me?"
"Because I want to ask your mommy to marry me. But first I need to make sure the most important boy in her life is okay with it"
"Is that me?"
"Yup, that's you"
"Yeah! You can get married and have a wedding and eat loads of cake"
"You sure you're okay with it?"
"Yup! Can I be the person... you know who I mean"
"Best man?"
"Yeah! Best man! Can I be your best man!?"
"Of course you can buddy. Now... let's go and find a ring"

A/N Yes, I know it's short but I really don't know what to write at the moment and I'm super stressed out over a bunch of things. I know exactly what I want to write in a few chapters time. But for know, I don't really know. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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