i might do an another version of this XP

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Pain wrack Oswald body as he climb up the chains he shivers spolfty while biting his lip hard drawing more blood he didn't want to seem weak and pathetic infront of his bro....no no he isn't his brother anymore hes long gone from that point he's pretty much dead to him when he and Felix get out of this hell he's turning his ass in right away

While he was distract with the burning hate he felt with his brother he nearly lost his grip and fell but he quickly grabbed the chain again before he fell to his death

Mickey: you better watch your grip bro or you'll be dead before I have a chance to introduce you too mrs Vicky

Mickey coo solfty

Oswald growled but continues up to the ceiling his mind was trying to keep him focused on climbing the chains from the pain he's feeling rn
after 30 mins he Finally got to the celling Felix let out a breath of relief  he's safe and near getting them out of this blood cover cell
Felix turned to Mickey he still had that smirk on his face
Felix had a bad feeling in his chest like he had a trick up his sleeve

Oswald took a few deep breaths to repair  himself for the pain he's going to feel when he let go of chains and after abit he let go

He fell like rock to the ground the chains ripped his chest apart leaving big gashes on his fluffy chest he cried in pain everything hurt so much more than the chains hooks in his chest
He shake and shivers suddenly there was some machine moving underneath them well under Felix in just a blink of a eye 6 chains popped out of the rock ground and wrapped around Felix

He yelped and tried to get out yelling for Oswald to help him  but it was too late for him there was loud clanking as the plates that was under Felix slowly hovered around Felix it slowly connected together when it was done.....the fire started


Mickey: sorry Oswald but you had an chance

Mickey said as he staired at his brother with no emotion in his eyes

He stayed for a moment watching Felix burning to death his screaming echoing the tunnels leading to this hell

But soon he left

Cuts to 4 hours later

The police swat ran in the room like a bunch of ants in a ant hole they pointed there guns around trying to find something to shoot or any sign of danger but that was long gone everything was still the fire had gone out the machine stop working hours ago the only thing that was there was 2 dead bodies hugging echother in a loven umbraced

the reward for the most purest ship is.....FELIX X OSWALD ❤❤❤❤Where stories live. Discover now