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This will contain gore murder if your uncomfortable with that pls dont read



Oh god this wasn't supposed to happen he was supposed to survive oh god I'm so dead the queen is going to kill him

Parker thought/screamed as they pulled there hair while looking down at the corpse of Oswald rabbit

Sam:"that cat was supposed to last me for 5 days"

Mumbled parker as they remember eating cups cat jackpot I think its name is Or....princess?

Parker:" oh god what em I suppose to do"

They wimpers

Ever since they went on this mission to murder the crew felix and Oswald has owes been on there ass
And it got worst when he murder Maggie/boris/brute and now when felix realizes his husband's is dead he will know its him and kick him out of the spaceship now parker isn't scared of space or cant die in space but they
Are terrified of there queen when she finds out they fail....

Parker shivers solfty and tried to think of an plan to do but his head was too scattered to figure anything
But suddenly he had an idea

Parker bite there lip and looked down at the topless Oswald his stomach grumbled still hungry somehow

Parker: 💭 well maybe an small bite wont hurt

They mumbled as they nealed down to the body they digged there hand in Oswald mouth pulling out his teeth and pulling out his tongue witch took some of his skin in his mouth they threw it in there stomach mouth while tearing his guts out

5 mins later of munching on his victims skin

Parker was trying there hardiest to be quiet and
To make the carmea crash until tomorrow so they dont see him carrying Oswald body to the engine thankfully parker didn't have to deal with blood because they found an an garbage
In the kitchen

It took them abit to find the engine why did they have to make it so hard to find even for the most smartest creatures ever
...or maybe smartesr creature might be an stretch
Anyway after an bit they found the room they walked in feeling the heat hit them like an brick it was so hot almost like the sun it would probably kill someone in one min....maybe he should trap cup in here...maybe later there busy right now and dont time for another murder

Parker threw the body in the fiery pits of the engine watching it burn

2 mins later

Parker sighed solfty as they locked the door of the engine
They looked down at there fluffy black fur they smiled

Parker; "finally I thought its going to last all night"

It has been awhile for them to do this plus they didn't needed to do it so new to them

Parker: "at least I dont look like an freak"

They said while they walked away from the endgin

Before they could change into Oswald pjs there was an a small voice that caused them to stop in there tracks

Rosie: daddy?

Parker turned to the small kitten that was rubbing her eyes

Parker; um hey sweetie

Rosie: why are awake?

Parker; err parker needed some help with something

Rosie: oh okay

Parker: come on sweetheart let's go to bed

They coo as they picked rosie and carried her to there room trying to hide his bloody teeth

((Hmmm I don't know if  I'm happy with this I might do another version of  this anyway here you go


Sorry it tooks so long

the reward for the most purest ship is.....FELIX X OSWALD ❤❤❤❤Where stories live. Discover now