dirty rabbit

143 3 1

Milo: "that would be 30 dollars and 45 cents would you like to play by debit or cash"

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Milo: "that would be 30 dollars and 45 cents would you like to play by debit or cash"

Felix: "cash pls"

Milo nodded and got everything ready to take his cash when he was ready felix handed him his cash

Milo; "would you like your recipe"

Felix; n-

Felix wasn't able to finish that sentence because someone slapped his ass he yipped in surprised and in instinct he turned around and was about to
Slap him or punch him but he stop mid swing when he saw his....ozzy

Felix looked at him very confused how did ozzy know he was here he didn't tell ozzy that he was coming home to surprised his family did sheba tell him hes coming home no even she doesn't know felix looked at the rabbit and noticed he was dress....very innapropret like not what he usually dress felix couldn't help but blush abit and continue looking at him up and down suddenly Oswald wrapped his arms around felix waist pulling him close

Oswald: "so this is the surprise you wanted to show me kitten"~

Oswald purred

Felix; um

Oswald: "well I was inspected something else but you still sexy as fuck"

Oswald slapped his ass again felix yipped and blushed deeper

Felix: 💭w-what is going on with ozzy he dosen't usually act like this...I mean he dose but only when were in are bedroom but not in public places

As Oswald continued saying dirty stuff to felix he started realized this is not Oswald it was stripper Oswald he remember when bendy told him about the stripper versions of them and him remember what he told felix about Oswald

Felix blushed deeper

Felix: "um I'm sorry but your mistaking i-"

Oswald: "ooh are you playing the stranger card again I thought we agree we do that in privet or in the club......
You know what screw it let's find a ally way and we can continue are lil rp~"

((God this is cringy af))

Felix was about to protest but Oswald picked him up bride style and went to find a ally way

Felix continue trying to tell Oswald he isn't his felix but no matter how much he try to convince him or yelled or to push him away it would fall in deaf ears or he would pull him closer and enoir his claws

Felix wimpers solfty and tried again until s Oswald found a ally way and pinned him to the wall and started kissing his neck

It was getting intense until felix heard

S felix: "Oswald"?

S Oswald stopped right away and turned to see his kitten felix looking confused wondering what the hell he was doing he looked back at him and s felix until he realized what was happening


Felix: "y-yea I'm fine and its okay you didn't know" (💭even though you should have knew something was up when I was trying to get out of your damn arms)

After an haft an hour of apologizing and telling s felix what happened they soon left leaving felix to stand there alone

Felix: "well....I guess I have a story to tell the others"

(((Wipes sweat from forehead)) finally I'm done this oneshot I'm so sorry it took so long and I'm sorry if its bad I can re do it again if you want

Have a nice day

the reward for the most purest ship is.....FELIX X OSWALD ❤❤❤❤Where stories live. Discover now