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Do you ever dream, and it feels like reality? It happens to me all the time. The dreams are so clear and detail-oriented that they feel so real, but then I wake up, and I'm back to my crappy reality. Hi I'm Y/n! I'm 21 years old, and in my third  year of college. I think I want to be a manager for artists in the music industry. I am not sure yet though. I always loved listening to music but I'm a big fan of Taylor Swift and the Jonas Brothers. Anyways I was talking to my friend  BFF/N, she is a huge One direction fan and she was sobbing in our dorm room because it had just become public that Zayn was leaving the band.  Zayn was not her favorite but she knew the band would not last much longer without him. I was trying to comfort her but she refused Me. She was blasting wish you were here by Avril Lavigne. I wanted to comfort her but I knew she needed some alone time. This band was her favorite the past 5 years and now Zayn left.  I stayed to the side and thought about the boy I have been dreaming about. 

In my dream, all I saw of this boy was that he had blonde hair. Everything else was black and white. I did not know what the dream meant so i often pushed it aside. I often chose not to think about it because of that, but when I did think about it, all I could see was that blonde hair. 

After thinking about my dream for awhile, I found BFF/N peacefully sleeping in her bed, in a puddle of her own tears. I gave a sad smile and spent the rest of the night doing homework. I finished what I needed to get done around midnight and decided to go to bed. I shuffled my playlist and set it to turn off in ten minutes. The first song I heard was more than a feeling by Boston. The last song I remember hearing before I fell asleep was dear future husband by Meghan Trainor. 

I fell asleep wondering if I would dream about that boy again.....

Black & White Niall Horan x YnWhere stories live. Discover now