Those ocean eyes

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I open the door  and see those ocean eyes. 

"Hey yn how are you?" He asked.

"I'm good niall, what brings you over my way?" I asked. I don't think I ever told him where I live so the boys' driver must have taken him. The driver knows where I live since I'll have to drive with them for interviews and stuff. 

"Oh I'm good. The lads wanted to know if you wanted to play Mario kart with us." He said rubbing the back of his neck as if he was nervous. " if you're busy thats fine though I understand. He said with a hopeful look in his eyes. 

"Sure I just finished up the schedule you guys have this week. Let me just fax it to the manager then we can go!" 

"Okay cool!" Niall said smiling. He waited patiently for me while I packed up my stuff and got ready to go. I sent in the schedule and locked up. My apartment. I had to work from home sometimes so thats why I had all the stuff set up. 

Niall explained that they only like playing Mario kart with 4 players but ever since Zayn left they have only had 3 since harry doesn't like playing Mario kart. Harry was also out shopping right now and the lads were bored. They didn't need to record anything until later this week. 

I ended up spending the rest of the day playing video games and getting to know the boys. It was a very fun day!

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