The email

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I woke up this morning and remembered my dream last night. I saw his face. He had light skin with blonde hair sea blue eyes and the biggest smile. See you soon is what he said in my dream. I was so confused but didn't say anything to my best friend. 

I decided to check my email and saw I got an email from Modest Management. They said I got the job and can start right when school ended. I am so happy I have a job lined up!! They didn't tell me who I would be the assistant to yet but I hope they're nice. 

I told BFF/N and she was so happy for me. We got breakfast off of campus to celebrate. I hope the school year can hurry up so I can meet them. 

My dream boy was very clear now. He has all the things I said before plus he's wearing some sort of flannel. He's really handsome, I hope he is real. Who knows maybe I will meet him some day. After a long day of celebrating, I was really tired and decided to go to bed early. 

Who knows how soon I may meet him if he is real?

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