Healing... and a Great Deal of Sneaking

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(Y/N's POV)

 I felt my fingers twitch in anticipation, my heart rate began to accelerate and my palms felt a little sweaty, the shift was up several minutes ago..... where- THERE! Target acquired. Footsteps began to grow closer, soon a familiar paint job came into view, and a familiar, red, tattoo soon crossed into my field of vision. With a final glance at my surroundings, I leaped out of the shadows, a sleeping spell already escaping my lips as I tackled a very startled Dogma.

"Ghaha! Ge!-General..........." Dogma's eyes began to droop as his body slumped against the floor, I felt bad for startling him so severely but this was the only way I knew how to accomplish my goal. I quickly teleported us to a darkened medbay where I strapped Dogma to a table and quickly got to work, I knew from my intel that the object I was looking for wouldn't show up on any scanner, so I had been forced to use my Dragon's Sight to see it, 

"There you are....... piece of filth." I spat as I prepped the Dogma for the small medical procedure, I activated the equipment and marked the spot where it would need to be done. Dogma slowly began to go into the small chamber and a loud whirring kicked up, I winced as I hoped no one had been walking by at that moment. A few, long second went by and I figured I was in the clear when another trooper popped his head in the medbay, 

"He-hello??................" It was Kix........ I felt a pang of instant regret hit me as the poor man had been nothing but paranoid, it's to be expected when one is captured and tortured by demons. He walked into the darkened room a bit further and I was suddenly very aware of how loud my heart was pounding. Realizing I'd be discovered any second, I quickly flicked my wrist causing a loud clang outside the medbay just as the procedure began. Kix jumped a bit before very quickly scrambling out of the room, allowing me to let out a long breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. I then heard a groan as the table began to slide out from the surgical chamber. Dogma's eyes began to open and focus on his surroundings but couldn't see my face thanks to the darkness. 

"Wha-what happened?...... where am I!?" He quickly sat up but regretted it as he grabbed the side of his head, 

"Ahh! What?...... why-why does my head hurt so bad?"

I held out my hand so that it hovered just above Dogmas head, 

"*Delens obliviscaris ......." I quietly commanded, a small healing circle appeared above Dogma's head taking away any sign of the surgery, then I quickly teleported us back to the hallway where I had tackled him.

"General!" Dogma jumped back a little at seeing me, "You-you startled me......"

"Sorry Dogma, I didn't mean to..." I chuckled, "did you just get off patrol?"

"Yes sir, I was headed to the mess...." Dogma replied, averting his gaze, 

"Dogma..... what have I said about calling me, sir?" I asked placing my hand on my hip, Dogma sighed as he was obviously uncomfortable, 

"It's okay Dogma...... you can go.... I'll see you later yeah?" I smiled sweetly at him as I turned to leave, 

"Ye-yes sir-(Y/N)...." Dogma stuttered before walking off, 

'Glad that spell worked..... or else I'd be screwed.......' I sighed as I crossed another one off the mental checklist, I then doubled back to the medbay cleaning up any blood, and disposing of the evidence before going to see Cody........... 

(3rd POV)

 Now you may be asking yourself.... what was that? What just happened? Well..... it all started several months ago..... shortly after Umbara...





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