Defending Kamino...

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(Y/N's) POV...

As we arrived on Kamino...I have to admit I had some mixed feelings, sure these creatures brought my brothers and Rex into existence, but I still hated how they treated them. They saw them merely as a project, not as individuals, not as someone with their own thought process or feelings....none of it. I gave a small sigh as I saw several of my men jog by, those weird flashes started again and it was as if I was seeing in a semi-blurry state, Jester and Hammer walking together and laughing, then it cut to one of them sitting at 79's alone....staring into a drink. I brought my hand to my face, my fingers covering my left eye for the most part.

"Hey....(Y/N), you alright?" I heard a smooth, concerned voice ask I turned to see Anakin with a worried look on his face placing a hand on my shoulder,

"I'm fine...." I smiled placing my hand on top of his, "just a little....frazzled is all."

Anakin knew I was hiding something but didn't press the matter as we landed, 

"How much you wanna bet the cadets are gonna swarm you once we get there?" Fives joked playfully elbowing me I chuckled shaking my head, 

"I don't think they will....the younger cadets maybe...but if I know anything about you lot it's that most of you are too shy to talk to an attractive lady."

Fives blushed followed by a playful pout, "He-hey! That's not true, I can talk to girls just fine, unless you already forgot about my fan following back in your realm."

"Actually I had...." I stated placing a hand to my chin, "the only things I remember is that they were annoying, tried breaking in my house on more then ONE occassion, and launching them into the sky."

Fives sweatdropped his mouth falling open in dissbelief, "That's it!!?"

"Well ya.....was I missing anything else?" I asked missing the look of utter dissbelief from Fives...

" I think you covered it all...." He quietly said I nodded walking away to join Rex, Cody, Anakin and Obi-wan as we touched down on Kamino, we got out and were immediately met by rain, I huffed as I'd just gotten my hair right where I wanted it this morning!

"Master's Kenobi and Skywalker...welcome to Kamino." A female jedi greeted, she looked like the grown version of Ashoka! A few differnces obviously as she was tall, and VERY thin...(I swear to god if I blew hard enough I'd knock her over!!) Minus the eye color, they were a vibrant purple and radiated a kindness I had encountered very few times.

"Greetings generals..." A male Kaminoian said with a slight bow of the head,

"I wish our arrival wasn't under such circumstances," Obi-wan solemly began, "we believe Grievous is planning a Seperatist attack on Kamino."

"But the Repiblic blockade is far too strong...they would not dare." The male Kaminion replied the female jedi looked at us all with a knowing look, she was strong with the Force and that look could only mean one thing....we were in for a fight.


"Come with us (Y/N)!" Echo called as he looped his arm with mine, dragging me off with him and Fives, as we walked through the white halls they remeniced about old times. We walked past a certain area where the walls were made of re-enforced glass from there you could see towers upon towers of the growth tubes all with baby clones in them. 

"Ahh...look around Fives, feels like yesterday we were here...."

"Heading to target practise...." Fives chuckled, "rememeber that?"

"Do I ever," Echo smiled a small smile made it's way onto my face as I felt their happiness over being may not have been much, but its what they had. I heard a clatter and looked to see an old clone struggling with a pile of guns, 

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