Chapter 22

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Hero POV:

"Let's hurry up and get this done, I'm tired of these two-" he points between me and Mercy, "-looking at me like this," He looks at me glaring at him out of the corner of his eye and smirks. "He never has been open minded," he fake whispers to Jo as he leans a bit towards her.

My Jo. He better not try anything, I don't trust him.

"Can you shut it just for one second, Artemis?!" Jo exclaims and throws her arms up. Why does she keep calling him that?! I thought his name was Dax!

'It better not be a pet name,' Hardin growls. I nod in agreement.

King Dax rolls his eyes, "whatever, Assilem."

"STOP CALLING HER THAT FUCKING PET NAME! SHES MINE!" I roar, I try to get up from sitting next to the fire but I see Jo wave at me and I am rendered unable to move.

He looks at me like he is trying to control his laughter. "It's not a pet name," he lightly whispers to himself and chuckles then looks over to Mercy who has a puzzled look and his eyes soften at the sight of her. Mercy's almost fully red eyes widen a bit once she notices the way he's looking at her, she quickly adverts her eyes elsewhere and gulps. Something is up with her.

"Everyone shut the fuck up!" Jo yells in a powerful voice, her white eyes start to glow and give off a slightly blue light. "Time for you to see the truth," her Goddess voice seeps through as she speaks and knocks the air out of everyone in the room.

She stands up and holds her arms out to the sides, the fire goes out and the cave is completely dark, nothing is being able to see even with my enhanced vision. A chilly air sweeps through, I feel it ruffle up my hair.

The only thing to be heard is Jo's soft murmurs that grow louder by the second. It much reminds me of when she found my sister.

"Eorum mentibus, eorum animas. Ostendam eis per ænigmata." She chants powerfully.

(Open their minds, open their souls. Show them the hidden truths.)

A blue flame lights in the fire pit, illuminating the cave in a blue light that holds me in a trance. What looks to be a blue hologram appears above the fire. Two girls are seen running through the forest. Two girls that look exactly like Josephine and Mercy.

Bits and pieces of the scene have me confused.

"Othossium." Mercy gasps loudly and falls back onto the dirt floor with closed eyes, seemingly passed out. I try to get up and go to her but I can't move a inch and then it feels like a ghostly cold hand grabs my face and makes me look at the hologram. Out of the corner of my eye I see Dax get up and walk over to Mercy, he sits down next to her then places her head in his lap and begins to stroke her hair.

"Assilem," there's the name Dax keeps calling her. The Mercy look alike is the one who yells it at her.


"Get there before them."

"Watch out."

"Artemis," the name in which Josephine keeps calling him. Slowly everything starts to click....

Josephine coming back with Mercy and looking at me with this look like she knew me for ages, "you'll understand soon," , Dax showing up out of nowhere, long past tense conversation between them.... "Hitcher."

I feel myself falling back onto the floor just as Mercy just did.

Waking up after that long moment of bones breaking and moving, I open my eyes to see my sweet Assilem naked and curled up against the wall shivering. Why is she naked?

Suddenly I feel a cold breeze pass and look down at my body to see that I am also naked, but what really catches my eye is the way my body looks more fit and mature. My biceps have filled out and I am no longer the skin and bone boy I was, I shakily stand to my feet and notice how I'm further up from the floor, I've grown at least five inches in height. My legs are sore and I am wobbly.

I bring my now larger hands down to my manhood to cover myself, that also seems to be another thing that has grown. "Ile?" I whisper with a deep hoarse voice. I jump a bit surprised at the way I sound.

Her teary eyes snap up to mine, now is the time the see how she has changed as well. I note the differences while making sure not to look at her private parts, her hair is longer and thicker, eyes a more vibrant blue, lips pink well more pink than before.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She changed us," she mutters and starts to rock back and forth. "She's been talking to me," she runs her hand through her hair, "we are now her children." While biting her lip harshly she squeezes her eyes closed.

"Who are you talking about?" I ask her puzzled.

'Me, I am the Moon Goddess, child.' A airy voice sounds in my head.

My head snaps up when I hear people walk in the room, it's Othossium and Artemis... with mouths covered in blood. "We need to get out of here!" He exclaims and starts pacing, Othossium starts sobbing.

That's when I see that both me and Ile are covered in dirt and blood.

We four killed the whole village that night....

I sit up with a gasp. I immediately feel the familiar touch of my mate, my eternal love. In each life we have found each other some way or another. And in each life we get out memories back... then die.

At our mating ceremony. Under our mother's eyes.

Looking into her eyes with teary ones I try to speak, "I-I," but I can't.

"I know, love," she presses her forehead against mine and strokes the hair on the back of my head, "I know." She whispers like a sweet melody to me. I start to cry into her neck and grip her waist tightly.

"I don't want to lose you again," I choke out.

"You won't, this time will be perfect and we will live the rest of our lives with each other." She tells me in a sure voice.

"How do you know that?" I reply.

"Because this time, she is on our side."

Note from author❤️:

Ooooh things are getting spicy.  Did you like it?

Any thoughts or theories?

I feel like this story might be ending soon, but who knows... if you haven't noticed I write short stories that move fast. But there is a story in the future that will be really long.

You know you love me xoxo,

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